ITS News

Monday, January 27, 2025
January 18, 2025 16:01

ITS Academics Eases Social Media Management with ITSPik Innovation

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
(Dari kiri) Aziz Hakim Astqolani, Ardy Indra Lekso Wibowo, dan Pratino Aditya Tama saat berhasil meraih penghargaan medali emas pada TKMPN XXVIII dan NQPC 2024

(From left) Aziz Hakim Astqolani, Ardy Indra Lekso Wibowo, and Pratino Aditya Tama while winning the gold medal awards at TKMPN XXVIII and NQPC 2024

ITS Campus, ITS News — To improve budget efficiency and strengthen branding, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) academics initiated a social media management platform called ITSPik or ITS Social Media Asset Center & Management. This platform was designed by a team of ITS academic staff (tendik) called the AIA Genlits Team to overcome social media management challenges, especially in ITS, which previously depended on external vendors with high costs and less than optimal results.

AIA Genlits Team Leader Ardy Indra Lekso Wibowo STrM said ITSPik was developed to integrate strategies, tools, and human resources (HR). Utilizing Microsoft Teams and Notion, the platform offers an efficient solution that does not require building new applications from scratch. “This platform allows faculties and departments in ITS to manage social media independently,” Ardy explained.

Tools, one of the menus on ITSPik, provides various social media management guides, from platform introduction to data security. This feature is also equipped with Canva-based graphic design templates that have been adapted to each faculty’s brand identity, making it easier to create professional and consistent content. “With the templates provided, content creation becomes more efficient, and quality is maintained,” added the staff of the ITS Public Communication Unit (UKP).

Tim AIA Genlits saat mendiskusikan inovasi ITSpik yang dapat diakses pada Microsoft Office dengan lisensi ITS

The AIA Genlits team discussing the ITSpik innovation, which can be accessed on Microsoft Office with an ITS license

The Strategy menu offers access to illustrations, digital assets, and original images that all work units in ITS can use. With this centralized data bank, each user can search for visual materials that suit their branding needs without going through a lengthy process to obtain them.

The People menu is ITSPik’s main attraction. This menu allows users to search for creative talents, such as ITS Ambassadors, who can help produce social media content. This collaboration provides flexibility in creating creative content that is in line with the ITS identity.

Menu Tools pada ITSpik yang ditampilkan oleh tim AIA Genlits menyediakan fitur referensi template desain untuk mempermudah kelola media sosial

The Tools menu on ITSpik displayed by the AIA Genlits team provides a design template reference feature to facilitate social media management

Two work units in ITS—ITS Eco Campus and the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa)—have also begun using this platform.

The AIA Genlits team hopes that this platform can be applied to all elements of ITS. In the future, ITSPik is designed to continue to grow as a sustainable solution for social media management needs in ITS. “We hope ITSPik can simplify social media management and encourage a spirit of independence in managing useful content,” he concluded.

The ITSPik idea is a technological innovation and a fundamental step in supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 9, which aim to build resilient infrastructure, increase inclusive and sustainable industries, and encourage innovation. By presenting an integrated digital platform, ITSPik helps strengthen communication infrastructure and facilitate collaboration within ITS.

Tim AIA Genlits melalui inovasinya ITSpik berhasil meraih juara II pada ajang ITSprovement 7.0 tahun 2023

The AIA Genlits team, through its innovation ITSpik, won second place at the ITSprovement 7.0 event in 2023

To note, it is thanks to the idea of innovation that the AIA Genlits Team, which also consists of Pratino Aditya Tama SHum and Aziz Hakim Astqolani SIKom, has succeeded in carving out its achievements both within ITS and nationally, namely as the second winner and Most Efficient Idea award at the ITSprovement 7.0 event in 2023 which was held for academic staffs in the ITS environment. In addition, on a national scale, he also won a gold medal at the 2024 National Quality and Productivity Work Meeting (NQPC) in early December last year. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Nabila Rahadatul Aisy Koestriyaningrum
Translator: Lael Soebakir

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