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Monday, September 02, 2024
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ITS Advances Position in QS WUR 2025 Rankings

June 30, 2024 13:06
Headline News
May 07, 2021 13:05:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – The condition of the environment in the surrounding industrial processing of sugarcane is deteriorating because many bagasse or bagasse sugarcane and Blothong Waste. Because

May 07, 2021 13:05:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) supports the government’s efforts to optimize online learning in Indonesia to realize Merdeka Belajar for all. Therefore, together with

May 07, 2021 13:05:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – The earthquake in East Java that occurred last April 10th, given a considerable impact on the surrounding community. Therefore, Outstanding Students of Institut Teknologi

May 07, 2021 13:05:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – The high use of fossil fuel energy in Indonesia causes the availability of fossil energy is also increasingly rare, thus making Indonesia a net

May 07, 2021 13:05:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the best universities in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) was trusted to work with the Central Information Commission (KIP).