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Monday, September 02, 2024
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ITS Advances Position in QS WUR 2025 Rankings

June 30, 2024 13:06
Headline News
November 23, 2020 17:11:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – Even though it has the rich potential of porang plants porang cultivators in Nganjuk Regency are still classified as poor. Moved to help the

November 23, 2020 17:11:59

  ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again shown its superiority in the field of robotics. This time, the Banyubramanta ITS underwater robot team

November 23, 2020 17:11:59

ITS Campus, ITS News –Still commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), the ITS Alumni Association (PP-IKA) Center Organized the 2020 Innovation Challenge and Business

November 23, 2020 17:11:59

ITS Campus, ITS News – Currently, vocational education is an important aspect in the development of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia. Various activities and programs have been carried out

November 23, 2020 17:11:59

ITS Campus, ITS News –Achievements for achievements continue to be demonstrated by the academics of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This time, after receiving an award from the