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Tuesday, September 03, 2024
Headline News

ITS Advances Position in QS WUR 2025 Rankings

June 30, 2024 13:06
Headline News
June 16, 2019 14:06:55

ITS Campus, ITS News – In the past few years, the world of education has faced the challenges of globalization. To prepare human resources for these challenges, Institut Teknologi

June 16, 2019 14:06:55

ITS Campus, ITS News – The Postgraduate Auditorium of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya is again crowded this time. It is PT Huawei Tech Investment Indonesia which held

June 16, 2019 14:06:55

ITS Campus, ITS News – Towards World Class University and as a gift for National Education Day (Hardiknas), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again carve its mark on

June 16, 2019 14:06:55

ITS Campus, ITS News – After winning Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2019 competition, energy-efficient car team of ITS, Antasena, make their way to Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) Grand Final

June 16, 2019 14:06:55

ITS Campus, ITS News – As an implementation of the Higher Education Tri Darma, which is public service, ITS sent its students to participate in thematic service learning on