ITS representative Ervina Ahyudanari ME PhD (black veil) receives the Best Organization Award at the Conference and Forum of Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC) 2024 in Tianjin, China
ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) proves its consistency in making global achievements at the Conference and Forum of BRAUIC 2024, in Tianjin, China on October 19, 2024. The School of Heroes won the Best Organization and Honorable Mention awards for the Digital Architectural Design competition.
The Vice Dean of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Geosciences Faculty (FTSPK) ITS Ervina Ahyudanari ME PhD explained that BRAUIC 2024 is an international consortium which focuses on collaboration and innovation among universities along the silk road. It was initiated by Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) and has been attended by 79 institutions from 11 countries, including ITS.
Taking part in the consortium since 2021, Ervina said that ITS’s role in BRAUIC has led them to receive the Best Organization Award 2024. Alongside 20 other international universities, the award is an appreciation for participatory and collaborative institutions in the consortium initiated since 2020. “This proves that ITS is always active in international activities,” she said.
The ITS student team won Honorable Mention for the BRAUIC 2024 Digital Architectural Design competition in China with their work entitled Bali’s Boyle Bubble.
In addition, an award also came from the ITS student team, namely Honorable Mention in the Digital Architectural Design competition held at BRAUIC 2024. One of the team members, Fatimah Shofi Latifa, revealed her team’s work entitled Bali’s Boyle Bubble. The work utilizes Boyle’s law in physics to maintain temples in Bali.
The student who is familiarly called Shofi explained that Boyle’s law is a law that occurs in gases in closed spaces. In this work, the law is applied to the structure of a building that is shaped like a bubble to protect the temple from rising sea levels. “This structure is waterproof, which keeps the temple and the cultural sites inside intact like on land,” she explained.
Bali’s Boyle Bubble, an idea by an ITS student team to protect Bali’s cultural sites from rising sea levels
Not only applying physics, the team guided by Dr Eng Didit Novianto ST MEng also carries the Balinese philosophy, namely Tri Samaya, in its architectural design. Shofi stated that through Bali’s Boyle Bubble, the protection of past cultural assets (atita) can be done with current technology (wartamana) to protect them in the future (adigata). “With this idea, we can contribute to the preservation of Indonesia’s ancestral heritage,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Reporter: Aghnia Tias Salsabila
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