ITS Campus, ITS News – Many ways can be done to encourage people to reduce the spread of the Covid-19. One of them is the Department of Visual Communication
ITS Campus, ITS News – in preparation for the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) that is expected to occur in the upcoming May, the Centre of Public Policy, Business, and Industry
ITS Campus, ITS News – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Covid-19 volunteers continue to work hard tirelessly in effort of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Seeing
ITS Campus, ITS News – Many technological innovations are needed for the acceleration handling corona pandemic or Covid-19 around the world, including in Indonesia. One of them is the
ITS Campus, ITS News – Towards a world-class university, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) showing its class again by successfully entering the World University Rankings (WUR) ranking. Based on