
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Headline News

ITS Advances Position in QS WUR 2025 Rankings

June 30, 2024 13:06
Latest News
October 21, 2022 16:10

ITS Campus News – ITS academicians show their contribution to community by having halal certification assistance for SDN Rungkut Kidul I Surabaya canteen management. By conducting KKN (Field Study)

October 17, 2022 16:10

ITS Campus News — In terms of supporting students’ skills through two-dimensional design, Department of Marine System Engineering ITS has held a series of AutoCAD training since the last

October 15, 2022 16:10

ITS Campus News – The number of professional engineers in Indonesia is still far from being needed. Contributing to meeting the needs of engineers in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh

October 14, 2022 15:10

Campus ITS, ITS News – The lack of knowledge about ship engines is one of the complaints of most fishermen in Indonesia, including those in Cumpat Village, Kedung Cowek,

October 14, 2022 13:10

Campus ITS, ITS News – The movement of seafloor sediments by wave movements and irregular currents can affect the foundations of buildings and infrastructure built on the coast. Moving

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