A coordination meeting was held to address academic and non-academic issues faced by students receiving the Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIPK) scholarship, particularly those under category 2. The Faculty of Smart Electrical and Informatics Technology (F-ELECTICS) demonstrated its concern and support for the challenges faced by KIPK students. The meeting took place on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in the Meeting Room, 2nd Floor of the ITS Rectorate.
The event was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean of F-ELECTICS, Department Heads at F-ELECTICS, Student Coordination Team (TKK) Department, Program Heads, and students receiving the KIPK Scheme 2 scholarship. The number of F-ELECTICS students receiving assistance under the KIPK Scheme 2 for the current year amounted to 43. This meeting aimed to provide solutions and concrete actions.
Hari, Head of IT Department while giving statement
During the coordination meeting, the Dean requested department heads to provide updates on each KIPK scholarship recipient. One of the department heads, Dr.techn. Ir. R. V. Hari Ginardi, M.Sc., from the Information Technology Department, reported that discussions had been held with students and their guardians regarding financial issues, reaffirming their commitment to provide maximum assistance. Similar commitments were echoed by other department heads.
Dean Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T., expressed appreciation for these initiatives and encouraged students to openly voice their concerns and challenges during the meeting. Students cooperatively and openly discussed the difficulties they faced. Additionally, an online form was made available for students to directly report further issues at the faculty level.
In emphasizing the importance of student openness, the Vice Dean urged students to reach out for assistance from various avenues including friends, academic advisors, TKK, department heads, and others.
“Believe that for every problem, there will always be help following,” said Ketut, concluding the event with encouragement.
The event concluded with a friendly gathering and iftar session for the participants. It is hoped that through effective communication between KIPK scholarship recipients, faculty, and relevant stakeholders, challenges can be promptly addressed. With strong support and collaboration, it is expected that each student can better navigate financial challenges and achieve success in their academic journey.
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