BU-BPKLN Scholarship

BU-BPKLN Scholarship

Beasiswa Unggulan – Biro Perencanaan Kerjasama Luar Negeri (BU-BPKLN) is a scholarship program from the Ministry of Education and Culture aimed at supporting efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources through the provision of educational and training assistance through both degree and non-degree channels. There are three types of scholarships offered, namely:


1. Outstanding Community Scholarship (Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi)


Outstanding Community Scholarships can be attended by prospective students who already have Acceptance Letters from University/Institution or students who have already taken a maximum of semester 2 lectures when registering. Outstanding Community Scholarship is aimed at outstanding people in all fields and is not prioritized for lecturers.


2. Outstanding 3T Scholarship (Beasiswa Unggulan 3T)


The Outstanding 3T Scholarship is a scholarship intended for students who come from the 3T area in accordance with Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 131/2015, concerning the Determination of Disadvantaged Regions in 2015-2019 (Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 131/2015 Tentang Penetapan Daerah Tertinggal Tahun 2015-2019. (Daftar Daerah 3T)). The Outstanding 3T Scholarship is used to continue study at the Bachelor, Master and Masters degrees at a University/Institution with a minimum accreditation of B.


3. Scholarship for Ministry of Education and Culture Employees


Ministry of Education and Culture Employee Scholarships are scholarships for civil servants (PNS) within the Ministry of Education and Culture to continue Master or Doctoral education in the country or abroad through a learning assignment mechanism. This scholarship cannot be attended by on-going student employees.



A. Requirements


Masters Degree Scholarship
  • Age maximum of 37 years
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) GPA of 3.00
  • TOEFL ITP 450 / IBT 45, IELTS 5.0 for domestic purposes, while for abroad TOEFL ITP 550 / IBT 79, IELTS 6.5
Doctoral Degree Scholarship
  • Age Maximum 40 years
  • Minimum Master Degree (S2) GPA of 3.25
  • TOEFL ITP 450 / IBT 45, IELTS 5.0 for domestic purposes, while for abroad TOEFL ITP 550 / IBT 79, IELTS 6.5


Conditions For Applicants:
  • Having Employee Work Targets (SKP) for at least the past 1 year, received at least a good value;
  • Not currently:
  1. Taking a paid leave outside the country’s dependents;
  2. Perform full duty outside of its parent institution/instance;
  3. Serving a sentence for committing a crime;
  4. File an objection to the Personnel Advisory Board (BAPEK) or efforts a law (lawsuit) to court related to imposing disciplinary action;
  5. In the process of imposing moderate or severe discipline;
  6. Serve moderate or severe discipline;
  7. In criminal proceedings, both criminal acts and violations;
  8. Carry out service obligations after studying assignments;
  9. Carry out education and selection training.
  • Never:
  1. Failing in the learning task caused by negligence;
  2. Cancelled following the learning task due to its mistakes.



B. Required Files


  1. Identity Card (KTP).
  2. Letter of Agreement (unconditional)
  3. Final diploma and academic transcript.
  4. TOEFL / IELTS certificate.
  5. Study plan proposal.
  6. Letters of recommendation from officials of the main unit or echelon II level.
  7. Ministry of Education and Culture employee statement (download here)
  8. Certificate of health
  9. Employee Work Targets


Further information: buonline.beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id