The Department of Environmental Engineering, which is under the auspices of the Faculty of Civil Technology and Planning (FTSP), opened a Postgraduate Study Program of Environmental Engineering from the 1999/2000 school year. From the 1999/2000 school year to the 2004/2005 school year, 109 alumni were graduated from its 359 students.
Supported by 44 teaching staff with qualifications: 5 professors, 12 doctors, and 27 masters. Supporting facilities available are as follows: Lecture Room, 9 Laboratories, Discussion Room, Reading Room with more than 2000 library materials, international and national scientific journals, including Internet connections and other facilities.
Education The Environmental Engineering Masters Program aims to educate participants to explore their expertise in handling environmental problems as an advanced program of undergraduate education. Graduates are expected to have the ability to:
• Scientifically examine environmental problems
• Provide alternative solutions to the scientific method approach obtained
• Design laboratory and field research
• Generate ideas and work on the development of planning criteria in the field of environmental technology engineering
• Evaluate and supervise alternative uses of environmental technology in the field based on technical considerations and applicable policies
Field of Interest
The Environmental Engineering Study Program has 2 areas of interest that students can choose according to their talents and abilities, including:
- ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING, RPL expertise has two specializations selected after participants have taken the main curriculum program together, namely: • Specialization in Environmental Technology (TL)
• Specialization in Environmental Management (PL)
ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT, PPL expertise is offered specifically through collaborative programs organized in special classes for civil servants in the Department, City Government, Regency Government, and Provincial Government to meet the needs of increasing human resources in the local government environment.
Academic Activities
The Environmental Engineering S-2 Study Program is carried out within 4 semesters (2 years), with a total credit load of 40 credits, including a thesis in accordance with the curriculum. Academic activities include: attending lectures, making independent assignments at home, carrying out activities in the laboratory, studying literature, actively participating in discussions and seminars, enriching knowledge and conducting research as well as various academic activities carried out on their own and independent initiatives, and following the process Study / exam evaluation. The academic calendar for the first semester starts in early September, while the second semester starts in early February and ends in June.
For more information about environmental engineering study programs, contact:
Department of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
ITS Campus, Sukolilo
Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Tel: +62315948886
Fax: +62315928387
E-Mail: lingkungan[at]
2nd E-Mail: lingkungan.its[at]