

To achieve its vision and mission, the Department of Statistics consistently develops its programs to create a course as a center of education and research for established and strong statistics, directed at statistical theory and its application in industry and business, shows the reputation and academic quality in realizing the education program Department of Statistics ITS.

The Department of Statistics which is located in the auspices of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) opens Magister Program for Statistics Departement from 1999/2000. From 1999/2000 to 2004/2005, has graduated 80 students from the existing 302 students.

Supported by 25 qualified teaching staff: 2 professors, 4 doctoral, and 19 masters. The supporting facilities available are including Lecture room, 2 laboratories, reading room with more than 900 literature, 16 scientific journals, including Internet connection and other facilities.




The education of Magister Program of Statistics providing a learning experience and its application to academic expertise in productivity and quality statistics and business problem analysis, and its contribution substantially in the field of industry, service, and government. While the final goal is to produce graduates who are able to improve professional service, participate in the development of statistics, and sensitive to various problems within the community and be able to formulate a complete approach.



Academic Activities


Magister Program of Statistics is conducted within 4 semesters (2 years), with the maximum time limit of 4 years. Credit expenses At least 40 credits, including theses according to the curriculum. The academic calendar of the first semester begins in early September, while second semester begins in early February and ends in June. Academic activities include lectures, laboratory practice, field practice, seminars, research, and so on, implemented with the mentoring system by the lecturer.
Doctoral Program (S-3) statistics have a load of 40 credits that must be completed within 6 semesters (3 years) according to the curriculum.



Besides supporting facilities in the libraries and computing rooms that are managed by the Reading Room, statistics laboratory and computational laboratories as supporting facilities for the education of the Master Program in the Department of Statistics.



  • Besides the various book types (1,203 titles) and cutting-edge journals (48 journals) available in the ITS Statistics’s reading room, student research results (final assignment/thesis) and Lecturer research are available for study as learning materials for the student.


  • This laboratory has activities related to applied statistics (such as Quality control statistics, reliability, experimental design, nonparametric regression, Sampling techniques, etc.) which is supported by a total of 100 computers with a Pentium IV processor base connected to the computer network in Departement of Statistics.

  • This laboratory also supported by a special room consisting of 10 multimedia computers with a Pentium IV base connected to the computer network in the Departement of Statistics ITS. Research activities related to stochastic simulation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, System optimization is coordinated in this laboratory.



  • This laboratory has activities related to the development of computational statistics. In this laboratory, there is a server computer that handles the entire computer network in the Department of Statistics. This laboratory is also available 100 computers with a Pentium IV base and several packages of computing programs (such as SPLUS, GPSS, QC Custom, STATGRAPHIC, EXECUSTAT, MINITAB, SAS and SPSS).

  • This laboratory is supported also by a special room consisting of 10 multimedia computers with a Pentium IV base connected to the computer network in the Departement of Statistics ITS. Research activities related to stochastic simulation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, System optimization is coordinated in this laboratory.


For further information about Magister Program of Statistics, Please contact:


Statistics Departement
T Building, Second Floor
ITS Campus Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Phone. +62 31 5943352
Fax. +62 31 5922940
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