On Friday, January 14, 2022, PDPM ITS received a visit from the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan. The representative of the Kapuas Regency BPKAD is the Head of the Kapuas Regency BPKAD, Drs. Yan Handri Ale, MT., Head of Budget Division of BPKAD Purwanto, S.IP,. MA., Rahmadiansyah, S. Sos, MA., Eko Tejono, S.ST, MA., Farid Rachmad, SE., M. Ak. and Aris Ramadana, S.A.P., , MA. The visit was well received by Dr. Sutikno, M.Si as the head of PDPM ITS, Dr. Soedarso, M.Hum as the representative of the ITS PDPM head and Cahyono Bintang Nurcahyo, ST, MT as the ITS PDPM expert. The purpose of this visit was to discuss the work of the Unit Price Survey (SSH), Analysis of Expenditure Standards (ASB) and the Price of the Basic Units of Activities (HSPK) of Kapuas Regency in 2022.
Head of BPKAD Kapuas Regency, Drs. Yan Handri Ale, MT., revealed that the unit price survey in 2022 is expected to be a reference for determining the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) in 2023. Prior to this, the preparation of the SSH was carried out by BPKAD itself. SSH input can also be used as the basis for calculating ASB as well as HSPK.
Dr. Sutikno M.Si is of the opinion that it is better for the survey to be carried out again by the Kapuas Regency BPKAD, because it requires a large amount of money to be carried out by PDPM ITS, especially in terms of accommodation. Later, PDPM ITS will assist in technical matters such as surveyor briefings as well as processing survey data.
The work of SSH, ASB and HSPK requires coordination with the related OPD because there will be differences in material and heavy equipment needs between Surabaya City and Kapuas Regency. Likewise with the tidal bottom price and the non-tidal bottom price. The non-tidal base price in Kapuas Regency is more expensive than the tidal base price, because it is related to the location far from Banjarmasin City. It is planned that the SSH 2022 work will be carried out from February to May 2022.
Surabaya-ITS. Monday 13 January 2025, the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Tuban – ITS. The Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Tuban-ITS. Wednesday 13 November 2024, the Tuban Regency Health, Population Control and Family Planning Service (Dinkes P2KB) carried out