On December 9, 2021, the Tulungagung Regency Government invited PDPM ITS in the FGD “Achievement of the Tulungagung Regency Community Development Index in 2021”. The FGD was held at the Front One Hotel, Tulungagung Regency and was attended by the head of the Head of the Tulungagung Regency Communication and Information Office, Mr. Drs. Samrotul Fuad, Head of Statistics and Encryption, Drs. Haryono, S. Sos, Head of the relevant/representing Regional Apparatus and Member of the IPMas Expert Team, from PDPM ITS represented by Dr. Sutikno, M.Si and Dr. Soedarso, M.Hum as the head and deputy head of PDPM ITS.
The Community Development Index (IPMas) is an indicator set by the government to measure community social development. IPMas consists of the following dimensions: Mutual Cooperation, Tolerance, and Security. IPMas Tulungagung Regency needs to be calculated and analyzed periodically to find out the achievements of development results, especially in the social community sector.
“The number of samples taken was 687 respondents using the multistage random sampling method, namely cluster random sampling and proportional random sampling,” said the leader of the IPMas Survey Team, Dr. Sutikno, M.Si. Most of the respondents are between 40 and 49 years old, the last education level is an average of SMA/equivalent, and most of them work as self-employed.
IPMas in Tulungagung Regency has decreased by 0.02 from an index value of 0.72 in 2020 to 0.70 in 2021. The dimensions that have decreased are mutual cooperation and a sense of security. Meanwhile, for the tolerance dimension, the value remains the same compared to the previous year. The cause of the decrease in the dimensions of mutual cooperation and a sense of security is due to the reduced intensity of direct activities in the community during pandemic conditions, especially during the emergence of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in June – July 2021. However, the IPMas achievement of Tulungagung Regency is still much higher than the target IPMas achievement nationally is 0.65 according to Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 RPJMN.
The recommendation given by the ITS PDPM team to increase the Tulungagung Regency Community Development Index is the need to increase program socialization involving collective action and social cooperation using existing alternative media such as social media, and various other online media. With the decrease in the dimensions of mutual cooperation and a sense of security, it is certainly a concern to make various efforts to increase it again. Special social programs to support the realization of strengthening gotong royong, tolerance and a sense of security need to be continuously carried out by regional officials or related agencies. Potential conflicts between organizations/community groups also need to be anticipated as early as possible by establishing intensive communication between the government, leaders of mass organizations and the community. The achievement of the Tulungagung Regency Community Development Index which is already high, needs to be continuously improved in order to create better and sustainable community development conditions (dw/sc)
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