
ITS Team Monitoring ProKUS Activities in Lumajang

Sun, 06 Feb 2022
8:24 pm
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Wednesday, January 18, 2022, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya carried out monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of Business Mentoring activities for the Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) in Lumajang Regency. The ITS team consists of Dr. Soedarso, S.S., M. Hum., Dr. Ir. Achmad Affandi, DEA, Ir. Baroto Tavip Indrojarwo, M.Sc., Dr. Sutikno, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. Machsus, ST., MT., and Galih Alco Pratama.

From Left to Right: Dr. Sutikno, Dr. Soedarso, Ir. Baroto Tavip Indrojarwo, M.Si, and Saiful Bachri, AMK SH discussed the progress of ProKUS Lumajang.

The ITS team was received by Saiful Bachri, AMK SH Head of the Heroes, Pioneering and Social Solidarity Section of the Lumajang Regency Government Social Service. ITS ProKUS Team Leader Dr. Soedarso conveyed the progress of ProKUS activities in Lumajang which had been carried out by ITS. Activities that have been carried out are identification of 300 beneficiary groups (KPM), analysis of KPM business business, business model canvas assistance, and delivery of aid for KPM business production tools or materials. ITS distributed aid tools or production materials to 300 KPM spread across Lumajang, Sukodono, Kunir and Yosowilangun Districts. ITS still has activities that have not been implemented. Namely KPM Expo activities. KPM expo in the form of an exhibition that displays the products of KPM’s business. ITS chose the 20 best KPMs to be featured in the KPM expo. The KPM expo is planned to be held on January 29-30, 2022 at GM Plaza Lumajang.

Dr. Machsus (far left) and Dr. Achmad Affandi (number from left) conveyed ITS readiness to assist the Lumajang Regency Government

Mr. Saiful Bachri expressed his gratitude to ITS for carrying out business mentoring activities for ProKUS in Lumajang Regency. The ProKUS activity is one of the government’s poverty alleviation programs. Apart from ProKUS, there are other programs that also help the poor. Such as the Family Hope Program (PKH), non-cash food assistance, cash assistance, Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and others.

Photo with the ITS Team, ProKUS Mentor and Mr. Saiful Bachri Dinsos Lumajang

Dr. Ir. Achmad Affandi, DEA conveyed to the Lumajang Social Service that this ProKUS activity is one of ITS’ contributions to help the government. If the Lumajang Regency Government and the Social Service need assistance in solving problems in Lumajang Regency, ITS is ready to help. Like when the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini conveyed to ITS that there were problems with transportation access in Papua Province. The ITS team made a prototype of an electric tril motor to overcome this problem. ITS has submitted 2 prototypes to the Ministry of Social Affairs for use in Papua.

KPM Mrs. Tohami (2 from right) bolenesia cake business with the ITS Team

The ITS team also visited KPM. The KPM visited was Mrs. Tohami’s KPM in Tompokersan Village, Lumajang District. Mrs. Tohami’s business is cake and catering. The tools or business materials that Mrs. Tohami received were a mixer, an oven, a pan and a pan. Mrs. Tohami thanked the Ministry of Social Affairs, ITS and the Social Service for helping develop her business. The assistance received has been used for the production of cakes ordered by customers. Other KPMs visited were Mrs. Ulfi Maulinda and Mrs. Hamila. Mrs. Ulfi Maulinda’s business is donuts located in Rogotrunan Village, Lumajang District. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hamila’s business is kripik (tempe chips, samiler) which is located in Selokgondang Village, Sukodono District. (sgh).

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