(Bandung-ITS) The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) carried out processing activities for monitoring the results of the 2021 social entrepreneurship program (ProKUS) in Bandung City. This activity was attended by 27 Business Incubators and 11 Provincial Social Services. The purpose of this activity is to disseminate the results of monitoring and feedback from business incubators and provincial/district social services.
Processing activities for the 2021 ProKUS monitoring results were opened by the Director General of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Mr. Edi Suharto, in a hybrid manner. Mr. Edi Suharto said that ProKUS has a role in alleviating poverty. The results of the Ministry of Social’s monitoring show that a beneficiary group (KPM) has succeeded in developing a business with the assistance of ProKUS. Like KPM Tuti ProKUS 2020 in Kebayoran, South Jakarta (PKH graduation in 2019). KPM Tuti’s business is selling martabak. With Prokus, KPM Tuti received financial training, branding on packaging boxes, promotion of banners and knowledge on how to sell it safely to consumers and waste cooking oil that is not used as well as the use of safe materials. KPM Tuti was able to facilitate the issuance of permits, ProKUS assistance bought another cart to open branches in other areas. Currently, Mrs. Tuti’s KPM business already employs 3 employees, using an online messaging application as a result of business mentor training. Mrs. Tuti has used KUR from BRI in business development. This success story needs to be expanded and conveyed to all stakeholders so that ProKUS can be enlarged and its KPM targets are enlarged.
Indri Indarwati, Ph.D. The Head of Sub-Directorate for Family Empowerment and Caring for the Ministry of Social Affairs said that the ProKUS activity in 2021 has a target of 7,000 KPM. The results of ProKUS 2021 activities with 27 business incubators in 11 provinces certainly vary. It is necessary to make a summary containing the achievements of activities, challenges, obstacles, what can be improved by KPM, business incubators, Provincial/District Social Services, Korkab, companions for the Family Hope Program (PKH), sub-district social welfare workers (TKSK) and KPM. This is an effort to get the support of all stakeholders so that ProKUS can summarize and enlarge the KPM targets.
The social entrepreneurship program (ProKUS) is a social empowerment program for poor and vulnerable families that combines activities and social and business approaches to prevent and overcome social risks and social problems. The first ProKUS pilot project, carried out in 2020, with an allocation of 1,000 beneficiary groups (KPM) with the target of the Graduation Family Hope Program (PKH). In 2021, 8,000 KPM will be allocated (7,000 existing PKH KPMs and 1,000 continued 2020 KPMs). The implementation of ProKUS in the field is assisted by sub-district social welfare workers (TKSK) and Business Mentors from the Business Incubator who have collaborated with the Ministry of Social Affairs. In 2021 there will be 27 business incubators spread across 11 provinces in Indonesia.
Outcomes from ProKUS are improving KPM financial skills, KPM business planning, increasing KPM income, changing KPM behavior, improving KPM business spirit, opening up job opportunities, forming creative and innovative KPMs who can become economic heroes of families and surrounding residents. Business mentors and social mentoring are important in order to achieve these results.
Business mentors in this case are business incubators who play a role in business assistance, partnership facilitation, overcoming problems in implementation in the field, KPM, KPM business assistance, supervision, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Social assistants in this case are PKH and TKSK assistants who play a role in facilitating KPM business, educators, mediation, advocacy, promotion, consultation, motivator and evaluator of PKH KPM.
In East Java Province, ProKUS activities were carried out in Lumajang, Probolinggo, Malang and Mojokerto Regencies. The appointed incubators are the Incubator and Innovative Business Services (ILBI) ITS, UPN Veterans Surabaya Incubator, Airlangga University Incubator and Brawijaya University Incubator. ILBI Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area ITS in synergy with the Center for Community Studies and Empowerment (PDPM) ITS carry out ProKUS activities in Lumajang Regency.(sgh).
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