PDPM is again trusted to study development, social and environmental issues in districts/cities in Indonesia. This time, the partner is the Tuban Regency Regional Development Planning Agency. This year is the third year, Bappeda Tuban collaborates with PDPM ITS to prepare the Gini Ratio Index Evaluation document for Tuban Regency. On August 13, 2020, a Focus Group Discussion of the Preliminary Report for the Preparation of the Tuban Regency Gini Ratio Index Evaluation Document for 2020 was held which was held by the Tuban Bappeda.
The discussion was attended by the Head of Bappeda Tuban, Mr. Agung Triwibowo, head of BPS Tuban, Mrs. Eko Mardiana and several related offices/OPDs. Meanwhile, representatives from PDPM are the head of the PDPM Study Center, Mr. Sutikno and Mr. Imam Safawi Ahmad as experts. The discussion opened with a presentation from Mr. Danang, Head of the Sub-Division of Control, Evaluation and Reporting of Bappeda Tuban. Mr. Danang said that Tuban’s 2020 Gini Ratio was 0.34, an increase of 0.04 from 2019 (0.34). Although lower than East Java and the national level, the Gini Ratio pattern in the district. Tuban tends to increase. An increase in the Gini Ratio can affect other problems such as poverty. It is hoped that the preparation of this report and FGD can be used as material for analysis to prepare the Tuban Regency RPJMD target so that it creates strategic recommendations and directions to reduce inequality in the Regency. Tuban.
Mrs. Eko Mardiana, as the Head of BPS Tuban gave a response that it was necessary to evaluate the Gini ratio target of the Tuban Regency RPJMD because it was too high and the Covid pandemic did not allow achieving the target of 0.21. Meanwhile, Mr. Sutikno as the head of PDPM ITS also said that to compile the results of the evaluation report, expenditure data (susenas) was needed. The data will be used to detail the problem down to the sub-district level or regional groupings.
Surabaya-ITS. Monday 13 January 2025, the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Tuban – ITS. The Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Tuban-ITS. Wednesday 13 November 2024, the Tuban Regency Health, Population Control and Family Planning Service (Dinkes P2KB) carried out