Wednesday, October 27 2021, Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) ITS Surabaya in collaboration with the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Gresik Regency held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the consumer price index (IHK). ) and regional inflation in Gresik Regency. This activity was carried out in the Grahita Eka Praja Room at the Gresik Regent’s Office. This FGD was attended by Mr. Joyo Prawoto Plt. Head of Bappeda Gresik, Pak Asrori and Pak Mustajab Members of the DPRD Gresik Regency, OPD Gresik Regency, BPS Gresik Regency and BUMD in Gresik Regency. The ITS team that attended was the Head of PDPM Dr. Sutikno, Mr. Imam Syafawi, M.Si and team.
The purpose of this FGD is to obtain regional inflation data, evaluate the occurrence of inflation and control regional inflation. Components and factors that cause regional inflation. The increase in inflation will certainly have an impact on society. Such as rising prices of goods and services, decreasing people’s purchasing power, and affecting regional economic growth. The recommendations from the FGD are very useful for the Gresik Regional Government, especially the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID). So that the Gresik Regional Government can formulate policies and intervention programs to control regional inflation.
FGD Participants for Preparation of Gresik Regional CPI and Inflation
Dr. Sutikno conveyed that the methodology used in the preparation of the CPI and regional inflation refers to the methodology used by BPS. The sampling methodology used is multistage. The hope is unbiased, because the language is guessing. Respondents were selected according to the specified criteria and the data collection officer also asked correctly. According to the BPS national economic survey (susenas), 11 commodities were selected as components that affect inflation.
Pak Joyo Prawoto conveyed the results of the preparation of the CPI and regional inflation as input for the TPID and the Gresik Regional Government’s economic sector to formulate strategies and programs to control regional inflation.
Surabaya-ITS. Monday 13 January 2025, the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Tuban – ITS. The Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
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