Friday, March 5, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM) of the Directorate of Research and Community Service DRPM ITS discussed the work of the Public Satisfaction Survey (SKM) for Public Services in the Probolinggo City Government. The discussion was held at the Probolinggo Mayor’s Office, this discussion was attended by Dr. Sutikno as the Head of the SKM work team, Dr. Soedarso, M.Hum ITS Social Humanities Lecturer, expert team implementing the activity, Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Head of the Probolinggo City Organization Section, Mr. Prijo Djatmiko, S.Sos M.M.
Dr. Sutikno and the Head of the Probolinggo City Organization, Mr. Prijo Djatmiko, S.Sos M.M are waiting for discussion with the Mayor
Dr. Sutikno describes what and how SKM is carried out as well as the objectives and outcomes of the Public Service Satisfaction Survey activity at the Probolinggo City Government unit is to measure the quality of service to the community. The implementation of SKM uses the legal basis of the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Number 14 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Compiling a Community Satisfaction Survey for Public Service Providers. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling where the surveyors stand by at the location of the Regional Government Organizations (OPD) and government units that provide services. Respondents are residents who have received services at least 2 times. In addition, the surveyors also asked each OPD and other government units about the innovations that have been carried out related to community services.
Dr. Sutikno, M.Si delivered a presentation on public service SKM at the mayor’s office
Left – Right : Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc., Dr. Soedarso, M.Hum, Head of the Probolinggo City Organization, Mr. Prijo Djatmiko, S.Sos M.M, Mr. Mayor of Probolinggo
The Mayor of Probolinggo hopes that data mining is as accurate as possible and can assess the services that have been provided by the OPD. He added that the target of the community satisfaction survey was not to OPD but collected from the community directly. Even if necessary, residents with professions of Police, TNI, and POLRI and certain organizations should avoid it. The mayor conveyed “the problems that are often complained about are health, social, and education. This includes restrictions on operating hours during the pandemic. Satisfaction is a sensitive issue, the desired expectations are sometimes not based on regulation. Surveys are also conducted for innovations/breakthroughs from OPD. The city government currently accepts more negative issues than positive ones. The desired expectation with the results of this public service SKM can be a recommendation for further policies. If there are innovations from OPD or other government units that are successful, the government will be rewarded.
The implementation of SKM activities is planned for 3 months. The survey activity will begin with outreach to OPD and other service units totaling 67 institutions. The purpose of this socialization is for OPD and other service units to participate in the process of SKM activities, because the results of SKM will be used as an evaluation of the performance of community services by the concerned OPD.
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