Study Center Management

Research Products


  • Research and Development of Spatial Planning and Land (Town Planning/Jember Regency Master Plan)


  • Joint Research Gandrung JKN in Banyuwangi Regency
    Partner : BPJS Pusat
  • Public Survey Let’s Be Inclusive!
    Partner : PT. Jawa Pos


  • Analysis of the Influence of Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets on the Leverage of Growth in Surabaya’s GRDP Sectors
    Partner : BAPPEKO Surabaya
  • Development of Batik Products and Their Derivatives in the DOLLY-JARAK Area with a Participatory Approach (2017 – 2019)
  • Development of Creative Industry-Based Educational Tourism in the Ex-Dolly Localization (2017 – 2019)
  • Development of Social Enterprise-Based MSME Development Models Through Mobile Applications (2017 – 2019)
  • Identification of Potential and Opportunities for Grocery Stores as a Link for Strengthening Distribution Networks in the City of Surabaya
    Partner : BAPPEKO Surabaya
  • Implementation of Sustainable Villages in Villages Around ITS (2017 – 2019)
  • PROMISE Contracting Services Data Collection for Baseline Survey in East Java
    Partners : ILO, Bank Jatim, MSME Bank, Jombang Bank, and Lamongan Bank


  • Community Socio-Economic Analysis of Oil and Gas Drilling Activities in the Tanggulangin and Surrounding Areas
    Partner : Bappeprov East Java
  • Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises through Increasing Entrepreneurial Access to Better Financial Services (Promise Impact)
    Partner : ILO – United Nations

Product of Program Planning and Evaluation


  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Pelindo III Assisted Villages


  • Evaluation and Monitoring of Culinary Tourism Center of Surabaya City. Surabaya City Welfare Section
  • Social Mapping, Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic Plan of CSR Programs Around K3S Operation Areas
    Partner : Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd.
  • Social Mapping of Communities Around PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) DPPU JUANDA
    Partner : PT. Pertamina DPPU Juanda


  • Preparation of the Pelindo III PKBL Roadmap 2016 to 2021 Part Two
    Partner : Pelindo III (2017)


  • Preparation of the Pelindo III PKBL Roadmap 2016 to 2021
    Partner : Pelindo III (2016)

Program Assistance Products


  • Business Mentoring for the social entrepreneurship program in 2021 in Lumajang Regency, East Java
  • Training and Mentoring for Hydroponic Village Simomulyo Village, Sukamanunggal District, Surabaya City
    Partner : Pelindo III


  • Provision of MCK Facilities and Household Electrification of the 2017 Pelindo III BHUN Program in Mojokerto
    Partner : Pelindo III


  • Capacity Building for USRI Sanitation Facilities Managers to improve access to sanitation in the Pantura and Jombang areas, East Java
    Partner : USAID-IUWASH
  • Increasing Access to Sanitation and Strengthening SME with Micro Credit Schemes in 7 Cities/Regencies in East Java
    Partner : USAID-IUWASH


  • Community Empowerment in the Construction of Domestic Waste WWTPs in Jombang Regency, East Java
    Partner : Ministry of Environment

Training and Workshop Products


  • The Village Workshop Assisted by PT. Indonesian Port III (Persero)
    Partner : Pelindo III
  • Training on Methodology of Measurement of the Community Satisfaction Index at the District Level in Probolinggo Regency


  • School Mapping Training


  • Workshop on the Preparation of the Papua Province SKPD Strategic Plan


  • Community Empowerment in the Construction of Domestic Waste WWTPs in Jombang Regency, East Java
    Partner : Ministry of Environment

Consulting Service Products


  • Compilation of a Study on the Potential Formation of KIHT in Mojokerto City
  • Compilation of the Community Development Index (IPMAS) of Tulungagung Regency
  • Customer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Engagement Survey Services for Non-Generating Units and Head Office Divisions/Fields
  • Gresik Regency Regional Inflation
  • On farm Monitoring Project PT. Sadhana Arifnusa
  • Preparation of a Gender-Based Human Development Profile Book of Mojokerto City
  • Preparation of GRDP Analysis Documents at the District Level of Tuban Regency
  • Preparation of Price Unit Standards (SSH) for the City of Mojokerto
  • Preparation of the Bromo Tengger-Semeru Geopark Masterplan
  • Preparation of the Gender Profile Book for the City of Mojokerto
  • Preparation of the Kediri Regency Domestic Wastewater Master Plan
  • Preparation of the Mojokerto City HSPK and ASB
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Farmer Exchange Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Open Unemployment Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Regional Poverty Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of Tuban Regency HDI Analysis Documents
  • Preparation of the Gini Ratio Index Analysis Document for Tuban Regency
  • Preparation of Study Program for Reduce Reuse Recycle Waste Management (TPS 3R) Kediri Regency
  • Probolinggo City Public Service Satisfaction Survey (SKM)
  • Survey of Basic Food Commodity Needs at the Household Level in Madiun City
  • Survey on the Economic Potential of Porang Sweet Potato and Sugar Cane Production-Partners of KPw BI Kediri


  • Compilation of the Community Development Index (IPMAS) of Tulungagung Regency
  • Preparation of GRDP Analysis Documents at the District Level of Tuban Regency 
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Farmer Exchange Rate Analysis Document 
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Regional Poverty Rate Analysis Document 
  • Preparation of Tuban Regency HDI Analysis Documents
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Open Unemployment Rate Analysis Document 
  • Preparation of the Gini Ratio Index Analysis Document for Tuban Regency 
  • Preparation of Price Unit Standards (SSH) for the City of Mojokerto 
  • Preparation of the Mojokerto City HSPK and ASB 
  • Updating the UN Data for Sidoarjo Regency in 2018, Partners: BPPD Kab. Sidoarjo (2018, 2020)


  • Assistance in Consulting Services for Compiling the Social Virtue Index for 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Compilation of the Community Development Index (IPMAS) of Tulungagung Regency
  • Compilation of the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) for Communication and Information Services of Pasuruan City
  • Independent Data Collection for Low-Income Communities (MBR) in the City of Surabaya
  • Population Impact Analysis on Employment of Residents of Productive Age in the City of Surabaya Population and Civil Registration Office of
  • the City of Surabaya
  • Preparation of Basic Data for Pasuruan City Regional Development Planning
  • Preparation of GRDP Analysis Documents at the District Level of Tuban Regency
  • Preparation of GRDP per District of Surabaya City
  • Preparation of Pasuruan City Profile Book
  • Preparation of Price Unit Standards (SSH) for the City of Mojokerto
  • Preparation of Surabaya City Population Indicators Surabaya City Population and Civil Registration Office
  • Preparation of Surabaya City Quarterly GRDP
  • Preparation of the Gini Ratio Index Analysis Document for Tuban Regency
  • Preparation of the Mojokerto City HSPK and ASB
  • Preparation of the Surabaya City Input-Output Table
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Farmer Exchange Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Open Unemployment Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of the Tuban Regency Regional Poverty Rate Analysis Document
  • Preparation of Tuban Regency HDI Analysis Documents
  • Study on Analysis and Setting of Performance Targets for Infrastructure Service Affordability Indicators (IKLI) for Probolinggo Regency 2018-2023 (2019)


  • Madiun City Planning and Budgeting Information System Development Planning (SIPP), Partner: Madiun City Bappeda
  • Preparation of the District Industrial Estate. Blitar-Partner: Bappeda Kab. Blitar
  • Updating the UN Data for Sidoarjo Regency in 2018, Partners: BPPD Kab. Sidoarjo (2018, 2020)


  • Survey of Compilation of Housing Documents in Figures (Mojokerto City Government) 


  • Compilation of the Profile of the Population Development of the City of Surabaya, Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surabaya (2015 – 2021)