Masamba – ITS. Regent of North Luwu Indah Putri Indriani, S.IP., M.Sc. supports training activities for Account Officers (AO) accompanying micro and ultra micro businesses (UMi) in North Luwu Regency. This support was conveyed in the opening speech of activities held at the Luwu Regency Government Commad Center on Saturday 5 October 2024. The North Luwu Regency Government has signed a collaboration with the Government Investment Center (PIP) of the Ministry of Finance to support UMi business actors. Through North Luwu Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) funds, providing interest-free business capital for UMi business actors in North Luwu. The Regent of North Luwu hopes that the AO training and AO/mentor assistance to UMi debtors can improve business and improve family welfare.
Faiz Muhammad representing the Director of PIP Funding and Financing Cooperation at the Ministry of Finance delivered his remarks online. Faiz Muhammad said that PIP had reached 10 million business actors in 510 districts/cities with total distribution reaching IDR 37.4 trillion. Specifically in North Luwu Regency, it has reached hundreds of UMi debtors with a total distribution of around 10 billion. The 2024 ToT Companion Program will reach 216 Account Officers (AO)/UMi Companions, 432 debtors/UMi in 10 cities/districts throughout Indonesia. PIP collaborates with 8 universities in implementing the UMI Companion AO Training. PIP appointed ITS Surabaya as the implementer of the UMi Companion AO training in North Luwu.
AO Training Resource Person Dr. In-In Hanidah, STP., M.Sc. from Padjadjaran University said that this AO training activity was carried out in 5 modules. 1 module is carried out in 1 day. The gap between module 1 and the next module is 7 days. This pause is used as AO training practice for UMi debtors. There were 21 AO training participants in North Luwu from 3 institutions. Namely PT. Pegadaian, PT. PNM and KSPPS Bakti Huria Syariah. During training and mentoring, there are 2 ITS mentors who will accompany UMi debtors with AO. AO will select 2 UMi debtors as training practice.
This UMi Companion AO Training activity is in line with the community service road map of the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, namely alleviating poverty and developing MSMEs. This activity is also in accordance with the sustainable development goals (SDG’s), namely goal number (1) eradicating poverty, goal number (5) gender equality, goal number (8) decent work and economic growth, and goal number ( 17) partnership in achieving goals. (Har).