Tuban-ITS. Tuesday, December 3 2024 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya through the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) has completed an in-depth study regarding the analysis of poverty line components and control strategies in Tuban Regency. This study shows that Tuban Regency has 171,237 poor people, or 14.36% of the total population, with a poverty line (GK) of IDR 488,131 per capita per month in 2024. Even though this figure is still below the provincial and national levels, Tuban ranks fifth place with the highest poverty rate in East Java.
Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc. delivered the final presentation of the Poverty Line
In addition, Tuban’s poverty depth index is 1.95 and the poverty severity index is 0.39, placing Tuban district respectively in the seventh highest position in East Java. The main factors that influence the poverty line which is composed of the food poverty line and the non-food poverty line in Tuban include increasing population, increasing prices of basic necessities, and unstable economic growth. This study also identifies the root causes of poverty, such as the high rate of early marriage, the high number of poor people of productive age who do not work, the lack of employment opportunities that match their qualifications, inflation, instability in the supply of basic commodities, community consumption patterns, and income disparities between regions.
The ITS team chaired by the Head of PDPM Dr. Sutikno, M.Si., as well as a Statistics Expert and Development Studies Expert, Yuni Setyaningsih, S.PKm., M.Sc., conveyed several strategic recommendations for overcoming poverty in Tuban. These recommendations include controlling population growth through improving the quality of the population and family planning programs, stabilizing prices of basic commodities through controlling inflation and fulfilling supplies when demand surges, as well as opening employment opportunities for those of the productive age. Apart from that, it is also recommended to strengthen technology-based work skills and digitalize the economy to encourage sustainable economic transformation.
It is hoped that this study will serve as a guide for the Tuban Regency government in reducing the increase in the Poverty Line, in line with efforts to eradicate poverty in Tuban Regency. This activity is also in accordance with the sustainable development goals (SDG’s), namely goal number (1) no poverty, goal number (3) healthy and prosperous life, goal number (11) sustainable cities and communities and goal number (17) partnership in achieving goals (VF)