Mojokerto City-ITS. The Mojokerto City Government and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya carried out socialization of the results of the Mojokerto City sectoral statistical study. This activity was held on Monday 21 October 2024 in the Madya Mandala Sabha Room, Mojokerto City. This socialization was attended by Mojokerto City Regional Secretary Gaguk Try Prasetyo, Mojokerto City General Administration Assistant Abdulrahman Tuwo, IKUPD Team Leader Dr. Sutikno, M.Si., IKS Team Leader Drs. Zainul Muhibbin, M.Fil.I., representatives of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) of the Mojokerto City Government, sub-district representatives and sub-district representatives.
Mojokerto City Regional Secretary Gaguk Try Prasetyo said that regional apparatus organizations must understand the program indicators that are the goals of each OPD. The aims and objectives of OPD activities are to make the Mojokerto City Government program a success. Program and activity indicators must be evaluated periodically. Which ones have been achieved, which ones have not. What has not been achieved requires program intervention to accelerate the achievement.
Head of the Mojokerto City Regional Government Key Performance Indicators (IKUPD) Compilation Team Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc., said that the Mojokerto City Government’s performance achievements in 2023 showed quite good achievement status. This is indicated by the achievement of 7 key performance indicators (IKU) out of 9 IKU indicators. The indicators that have not been achieved are the indicators in mission 4 and mission 6, namely Economic Growth Rate with an achievement evaluation of 62.00% and the Gini Index achievement of 98.58%.
Head of PDPM ITS Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc. said that the achievement of the Mojokerto City Government’s mission can be seen through the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) and Target Performance Indicators (IKS) which have successfully achieved 5 out of 7 target indicators. Based on the IKS, it shows that 22 indicators out of 28 indicators have achieved good results in 2023. There are 6 Target Performance Indicators (IKS) that have not reached the target which of course require more action to achieve the target, namely SAKIP Value (83.48%), Inflation Rate (36.46%), Industrial Sector GRDP Growth (-556.40%), Inflation Rate (79.55%), Poverty Rate (97.40%), Gender Empowerment Index (IDG) (82.77%), and Regional Financial Independence Ratio (85.77%).
The driving factor in the implementation of indicators, both IKU and IKS, is good cooperation with related stakeholders. While the inhibiting factor is the impact of weakening economic growth due to the closure of the tobacco industry. The implementation of programs/activities/sub-activities that support performance indicators is still less than optimal. And it is still necessary to improve the capabilities and knowledge of human resources in achieving targets for each indicator.
Head of the Mojokerto City Social Piety Index (IKS) Compilation Team Drs. Zainul Muhibbin, M.Fil.I., in 2024 is 91.67. This figure has decreased by 3.41 from 2023. Two of the three dimensions that make up the IKS have decreased quite significantly, namely the dimensions of tolerance and public order/stability. The factors suspected of being the cause of the decrease in the IKS are that 2024 is a political year, thus increasing social interaction activities, differences in choices between residents causing social friction.
The activity of compiling the Main Performance Indicators of the Regional Government (IKUPD) and the Social Piety Indicators (IKS) of the Mojokerto City Government in 2024 is in line with the community service roadmap of the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, namely regional government governance management. This activity is also in accordance with the sustainable development goals (TPB)/sustainable development goals (SDG’s), namely goal number (1) eradicating poverty, goal number (2) eradicating hunger, goal number (3) healthy and prosperous life, goal number (4) quality education, goal number (5) gender equality, goal number (6) clean water and proper sanitation, goal number (8) decent work and economic growth, goal number (10) reducing inequality, and goal number (17) partnership in achieving goals. (Har).