11 Februari 2020, 11:02

Launching of Study Program Dashboard and Socialization of myITS Presence

Oleh : ITS Dadang | | Source : -

On February 10, 2020, DPTSI introduced a new service, the Study Program Dashboard, and was followed by socialization related to myITS Presence. The event was opened by Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana, S.Kom., M.Sc. as the Director of DPTSI and followed by the launch of the Study Program Dashboard led by Mr. Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo, S.Kom., M.Kom. as the Head of Big Data Technology Sub Directorate – DPTSI.

The event began by introducing the Study Program Dashboard which is a system to display data related to accreditation needs. The Study Program Dashboard consists of 2 applications, namely Power BI and Web Accreditation.

Power BI is a software formed by Microsoft that is used to process complex data and display it in an interactive and dynamic graphic display. Having the same function to display data on accreditation needs, Web Accreditation provides a place for users to input data that is not recorded in the system, namely Local Data.

The Study Program Dashboard is a form of presentation of the results of analysis and evaluation in the form of Power BI which will later be used by each Study Program at ITS as an accreditation assessment material. The increasing need for complex data for accreditation, sometimes makes it difficult for users to get data quickly and accurately.

Power BI Study Program and Web Accreditation were expected to provide convenience for IT Admin and Data Processing within the ITS environment.

In the future, the Study Program Dashboard will be expanded to the ITS line. At present, the process of development is the SAPTO BAN-PT Dashboard which is expected to be completed in the 3rd Quarter period.

After the Launching of Study Program Dashboard, the event continued with the delivery of information related to myITS Presence which was filled by Mr. Reza Fuad Rachmadi, S.T., M.T. as the Head of the Sub Directorate of Information Technology Services – ITC and Mrs. Dini Adni Navastara, S.Kom., M.Sc. as Head of Customer Relations and Business Planning.

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