ITS library

January 10, 2019 03:01

ITS Library Holds Smart E-Resources Access Workshop to maximize utilization of E-Book & E-Journal

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

“Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy”. – Richard Stallman

“ITS has spent a high enough budget to subscribe to e-journals and a book, so we hope that the entire academic community of ITS can use it to the fullest.” Smart E-Resources Access to Internal Scientific Journal Workshop that morning (12/12) at the 2nd-floor Seminar Room, ITS Library.

In this workshop present several speakers who will each deliver material from various E-Journal vendors. Sastriyati, SE, Academic Sales Manager of the Asia Pacific Limited Group initiated the presentation of the material with the discussion raised around SAGE. Sastriyati clearly and succinctly provided information about the advantages in SAGE, so it was hoped that the workshop participants would not think twice about subscribing to SAGE either on their personal behalf or on behalf of their institution.

The material was then filled in by Ms. Nelly Arifyani from Springer Nature. Unlike before, if SAGE is only presented in theory, on this occasion Nelly introduced General Springer Nature and then immediately invited participants to practice how to search information or search for e- journals in Springer Nature. So that for participants who have difficulty accessing, at that time Nelly will immediately find a solution to the solution in front of the participants. Nelly’s various interesting features that can be utilized by Springer Nature were also conveyed clearly, He even informed his contact to all workshop participants to contact him if on other occasions he found obstacles when searching for a journal in Springer Nature.

“Please contact me either through WhatsApp or email if you encounter problems when accessing springer Nature, I will respond as fast as I can”. Said Nelly showing her commitment.

Entering the next session after Ishmael, was ready with the material that was not less interesting, namely Mr. and Sari from PT. The Kharismapratama tool that afternoon exposed material about Gale. Before entering the end of the event, the ITS library librarian, Astutik Nur Qomariah, M.Hum conveyed how to use Mendeley which is usually summarized in the Reference Manager Class. With this material, it complements the participant’s ability so that the difficulty of making citations in their research does not happen again. (Nrl)

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