Academic research growth is one of Indicators of educational institution quality, especially lecturers whose work is published through the international journal. Therefore journal writing is an obligation for every lecturer besides teaching students. Campus journals based on Open Journal Systems (OJS) become the spirit of the existence of reputable universities in the world.
But because of the high activity and activity, time to explore more about how to write good scientific journals so that they can be accepted by reputable publishers is often avoided. The ITS Library, where its existence is as a research partner at the College (ITS. Red), feels the need to hold an event that can provide full support to the ITS academic community, some of whom are struggling to have their work accepted by reputable publishers.
Today (13/02), the ITS Library held a training activity with Springer Nature with the theme of improving writing and publication skills which was attended by more than 110 participants. This time the enthusiasm of the participants was quite high, as seen from the number of applicants that exceeded the number targeted by the committee. Therefore in his speech before starting the event, the Head of the Library Edy Suprayitno SS.M.Hum expressed his pride and gratitude both to the speakers, invited guests, and especially workshop participants for their enthusiasm. And he also hopes in the future that the ITS Library will remain the main reference or information provider at ITS.
After the speech from Mr. Edy, then continued with the presentation of material by Prof. Mochamad Ashari who on this occasion was the first speaker of the training. The elected Chancellor who will be installed in April will deliver material on how to prepare to write international journals as well as the importance of arranging good and correct citations.
After the material of the first session ended, then it was followed by the second session material which was delivered directly by Nelly Arifyani from Springer Nature Indonesia. The material presented is very varied, and of course related to the obstacles that must be faced by researchers whose works are expected to be published by international publishers who have a good reputation. With this limited amount of time, Nelly tried to make the information provided to the maximum extent possible, so even with fast rhythm while delivering the material, she always gave the opportunity to participants to ask about what had been said. In addition to providing information on how to access Springer Nature, the report using Springer Nature by the ITS academic community and how to use the facilities on the Sringer Nature platform are dear if not utilized. Nelly also provided other information such as how to make cover letters that “sell” to attract the attention of the reviewer.
“That is what I can say, I hope for the year 2019 the use of springer nature by Civa ITS can increase up to 10 times so that what has been provided by ITS is not in vain” closed Nelly. (nrl).
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