ITS library

July 25, 2019 14:07

General Soedirman University conducted a Benchmarking to the ITS Library regarding the management of digital collections

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

In line with the development of science, technology, communication, and culture as well as increasing the needs of users, especially in the College Library environment, demanding all aspects to follow the existing developments, one of which is related to collections or library materials. Now the book (hardcopy) is no longer the main icon of a library, in fact, the e-book is now more attractive to users because it is considered more practical and more efficient.

Related to this phenomenon, General Sudirman University conducted a Benchmarking to the ITS Library  to improve their abilities and add insight related to the procedure of procurement of digital collections, as well as how to manage and distribute to users so that the collection is utilized to the maximum extent possible.

Answering these information needs, Edy Suprayitno SS.M.Hum as the Head of the ITS Library also invited IT coordinators, Service Coordinators, and processing Coordinators. To explain in detail both theoretically, technically, as well as various plans that will be applied.

“We are very happy if we can share the benefits especially for the advancement of education because on this occasion we invite colleagues from the General Sudirman University if they want to gather as much information as possible here.” Said Edy before starting the discussion forum.

Not only related to digital collections, but colleagues from General Sudirman University did not want to waste the opportunity. Therefore they also try to dig up other information.

“Then what is the management here related to the Central Library and Reading Room? Is there a discourse to integrate? And related to the library culture, what efforts have been made by the ITS Library to continue to reach the millennial generation “. Djoko Prasetyo, Head of UPT Soedirman University Library – Purwokerto, said.

The discussion that began at 9:00 a.m. took place live and all participants actively gave new opinions and enlightenment. So that the ITS Library hopes that what has been sought by colleagues from the General Sudirman University can be obtained. Because indeed a library that wants to develop cannot only rely on its strength but must build partnerships and strengthen and expand networks. (nrl)

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