Internet of Things (IoT) or the internet for all means that many objects can now be connected to the internet and integrated. This term was suggested by Kevin Ashton in 1999 and gained prominence through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Auto-ID Center.
The application of IoT has now been widely applied in companies and academic environments. Library as one part of the academic element is also inseparable from the swift flow of this IoT Application. Therefore to further maximize the use of IoT and provide education to librarians in Indonesia. Through the routine agenda of the annual ITS Library National Seminar which is also a series of commemorations of the 59th ITS Anniversary, it carries the theme titled “Application of Internet of Things Technology to support Library Services in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0”.
The event was held for 2 days, for the first day was held on September 25, 2019, at Hotel Santika Premiere – Gubeng Surabaya. Whereas the second agenda will be held the next day, September 26, 2019.
Located on the 3rd floor of Santika Gubeng Hotel – Surabaya, around 80 librarians from various educational institutions filled the November Room. On this first day, the keynote speaker by the Rector of ITS, this time represented by Dr. Tri Arief Sardjono, ST.MT, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Technology (FTE-ITS), and 4 speakers namely Dr. Ir.H.Abdul Hamid, MP. & Ridho Rahman, S.Kom, M.Sc. who delivered the material in the first session. Then the second session after the break was filled by two speakers namely Dr. Taufiq A. Gani, S.Kom, M.Eng.Sc. and Nisfu Asrul Sani, S.Kom, M, Sc.
Through the opening remarks from the Keynote speaker, Dr. Tri Arief Sardjono, ST.MT said that it was indeed time for the Library to be able to improve itself by presenting various innovation as a solution to the problem being faced. For example, low reading interest, low literacy knowledge of people. According to him, this is the duty and responsibility of the Library for how to make “himself” interesting so that it can make users in this case students interested in coming and “enjoying” the library.
“The point is if this IoT is developed in the Library, it is still very able and will provide more convenience for students. If everything is integrated, it will run according to the system, and it will certainly be more effective in terms of time, cost, and energy of the librarians themselves, “explained Dr. Tri Arief Sardjono.
This is also in line with Dr. Tri Arief Sardjono, Edy Suprayitno SS.M.Hum as the head of ITS Library also said that currently the needs of students are very varied and the current generation cannot be separated from the internet. So according to him if the librarian does not prepare himself, will not be able to meet the needs of users.
“We hope that this seminar will bring many benefits, it will make librarians even more enthusiastic to innovate. So through the materials delivered by the speakers are well absorbed and will then be implemented in their respective libraries “. He explained. (NRL)
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