ITS library

September 30, 2019 16:09

ITS librarians actively invite students to broaden their knowledge about E-Resources and Mendeley

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E-Resources Class (ERC) and Reference Manager Class (RMC) is one of the literacy programs that is often carried out by the ITS Library both regularly scheduled or By Request.

Today (31/09), located in the Internet Room – ITS Library, as many as 14 students from the Post-ITS Department of Shipping Systems Engineering ITS (DTSP FTK) took the ERC and MRC asking for help related to their class classes while planning their Thermal Systems & System Design Fluid and Thermal and Fluid. The material begins with a presentation from Reini Ariani, S. Sos about E-Resources. From here the ERC participant knows more about ITS, needs to get the needs from information sources in the form of e-books and e-journals through well-known vendors that have subscribed to ITS.

Henry Kurniawan, one of the participants admitted that he was quite surprised when the speaker explained the value issued by ITS related to e-books or e-journals subscribed to ITS.

“From some of the platform choices ranging from EBSCO, Springer Link, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Nature, Cambridge, and others. Which one is more recommended for us to use? “. Henry said when the question and answer session was opened. And immediately get an explanation from the speaker that all platforms can be utilized, on the contrary with the contribution of this platform it is necessary to provide students to get information, for example,  if in one vendor is not found the information sought can immediately find another vendor. All suppliers must access and find what they are looking for. Librarians will do their utmost to help search through existing networks, assistance called virtual services can take advantage of the entire ITS academic community.

After ERC, to maximize the available time, it was immediately delivered with the Class Manager Reference (RMC), which was this time delivered by Yeni Gonti, one of the librarians at the ITS Library. At this RMC participants are invited to explore the various strengths of Mendeley that can be used incorrectly to compose citations. The initial step in this session, the whole participant is to install the “Mendeley” application to their respective computers. Furthermore, together with the direct practice of using Mendeley.

“What if I suddenly have to open the application? Mendeley? However, I already brought my laptop? “Asked Adela, one of the participants who was accepted for the first time accessing Mendeley this morning.

“The solution is with the Mendeley site, so by accessing this site and logging in with our account, we can access our Mendeley, which is complemented by our offline Mendeley application. Easy and effective right? “. Yeni Gonti explained. (NRL)

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