Reported by about the librarian profession, it states that until now the title of the librarian is still experiencing a rift of meaning and is still underestimated compared to other professions such as teachers, doctors, lawyers, and others. Therefore it takes the role of the librarian himself to change the negative predicate both through achievement, innovation, and creation.
Contributions to fight for the librarian profession to get full recognition by the environment are not only felt by senior librarians, but librarian candidates including UNAIR Vocational students also feel that.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019. The ITS Library received a visit from 77 students of D3 Library Science-UNAIR accompanied by 2 lecturers and the Head of Department (Kadep) of the Vocational Faculty of UNAIR, Dessy Harisanty. S. Sos., MA.
“We are very grateful because the ITS Library is willing to accept us, this visit is to add students’ insights to the services and facilities at the Library, also is one of the materials in the Introduction to Library Science course,” explained Dessy before starting the Library Tour.
The agenda of the visit is centered directly on the library tour so that not many theories are given but directly conveyed by seeing or trying directly from the service or facility in question. To make it easier and so that what is conveyed during the library tour can be optimally absorbed, students are divided into 3 groups and each group is accompanied by 2 ITS Library librarians.
Library tours are utilized to the maximum extent possible by Unair PSP Vocational students, during the tour they not only actively ask questions related to facilities, services, collections, and programs in the ITS Library. Issues related to the profession of librarians and there give birth to librarians with good credentials and to be the pride of the people they conveyed.
“I just found out that the work of librarians is indeed not just a book watcher, in the future, I am eager to be like the librarian at ITS who, in my opinion, is already competent and can provide excellent service for its users. and I also want to do benchmarking to libraries abroad so that I can adapt their ways of becoming a “quality” librarian. Said Nabita, one of the students after the Tour Library ended. (NRL)
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