
November 18, 2020 14:11

Book Donation ” Pro Kontra PLTN “

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

The library has received a book donation entitled “Pro Kontra PLTN” directly from the author Dwi Hari S. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, in the Head of Library room, 2nd floor of the ITS Central Library Building. On behalf of ITS, the Head of the Library, who is usually called Edy, thanked him for the book donation. The books that were donated were 10 copies. The moral message of the PLTN Pro Kontra book is to invite the public or book readers to have new insights regarding energy development in Indonesia and its risks. PLTN is a power plant that is an alternative to the existing ones. However, is it true that Indonesia needs nuclear power plants to meet current and future energy needs with all the risks? (Edy’s)

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