ITS library

September 03, 2021 06:09


Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

The ITS Library in collaboration with the IEEE Asia branch has held a webinar on “Optimize IEEE Explore in Pandemic to Develop your Research and Publication”. IEEE is one of the largest providers of research journals in the world. The pandemic is not a barrier to conducting research for the advancement and development of science and technology. After conducting research, it would be more useful if the results of the research could be accessed and read by the entire world community.

The event which was held in early September Wednesday (1/9/2021) presented two resource persons namely Alex Yiu Yupeng a Manager, Client Services (Asia) from IEEE, Mochamad Hariadi, ST, M.Sc.,PhD an Associate Professor (Head Lecturer). ) at ITS, and Webinar Moderator Dwi Purnomo Hendradhata, an ITS Laboratory Assistant and also a member of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s PLP assessment team. In the first session, Mr. Alex presented material entitled “Research Like A Pro, Insider Tips On IEEE Xplore Digital Library” and in the second session, Prof. Hariadi presented the material with the title “Publishing With IEEE, Preparation & Submission”

Starting at 9 am, the event was opened by Host/MC Yeni Gonti, an ITS librarian, then continued with remarks from Edy Suprayitno as the head of the ITS library. Mr. Edy said that there will be many events like this that will be held by the ITS library in collaboration with e-journal publishers subscribed to by ITS in the hope of increasing the usability of electronic-based journals for the academic community to support research and works. scientific work that will be produced for the advancement of science and technology.

Before entering the main event, namely the presentation of material by the two resource persons, the event was preceded by a photo session with the presenters and the webinar participants. The presentation of the two webinar sessions was very interesting and interactive, guided by a talented moderator from ITS. The essence or benefit that can be drawn from the exposure of the two speakers is that many new insights can be obtained to make it easier to conduct research, maximize research by obtaining accurate references, then write and publish it like a professional, so that it can penetrate into international journals such as this IEEE.

This event was attended by approximately 150 participants consisting of lecturers, students, researchers, and librarians from ITS and outside ITS. Many questions were asked by webinar participants because the material was very interesting and door prizes were provided for webinar participants. After the question-and-answer session and the distribution of prizes for 4 participants with the best questions selected, at exactly 11.30 the webinar series “Optimize IEEE Explore in Pandemic to Develop your Research and Publication” ended. Hopefully, this event is informative and useful so that it can increase knowledge and insight for all of us.(yag)

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