ITS library

May 14, 2022 09:05

WEBINAR SERIES 1 2022 “Tips and Structure Guide: From Theses To Publishable Articles In Reputable Journal”

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The webinar with the theme “Tips and Structure Guide: From Theses To Publishable Articles In Reputable Journal, is part of a series of ITS Library activities in 2022, namely the Learning & Innovation Event-ITS Library which aims to support student upscaling skills, both in understanding academic learning ( especially academic writing) as well as on understanding the ability to innovate.

Held on Thursday (12/5/22) this webinar starts at 09.00 until 12.00 WIB, attended by approximately 200 participants from various circles, especially the ITS Academic Civitas, Researchers, Librarians, and Library Observer Society. This webinar was held thanks to the collaboration of the ITS Library and ISIPII (Indonesian Library and Information Science Bachelor Association). Also present were representatives from ISIPII Cahyo Trianggoro – Secretary-General of ISIPII – BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency)

The purpose of the webinar is to increase the knowledge base of ITS students on tips and strategies on how to write scientific journal articles from their research reports that are following the rules of writing and can penetrate the publications of international reputable journals. Presenting 2 (two) resource persons who are competent in sharing knowledge related to their skills and experience in writing articles in international reputable journals. The 2 resource persons are Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Heri Kuswanto, M.Si (Researcher, Lecturer in Statistics Department and Director of Postgraduate & Academic Development, ITS) and Dr.Eng. Sunu Wibirama, S.T., M.Eng. (Researcher and Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, UGM). The moderator of this webinar is a librarian from UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Ms. Dian Arya Susanti, S.Sos, MT.

The event began with the opening and praying together guided by MC Yeni Gonti (ITS librarian), then listening to the Indonesia Raya anthem and the ITS hymn, followed by remarks from the Head of the Library, Edy Suprayitno, SS, M.Hum., then the remarks from the Vice-Chancellor I ITS Academic and Student Affairs, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto, M.T., also officially opened the webinar. The group photo session was held after Professor Adi delivered his welcoming remarks.

From the Presentation and Discussion in this extraordinary Webinar, the point is that many new insights can be obtained. We know how important publication in international journals is and it is easier to determine which journals are suitable for the research we do, both national and international journals, at the same time. get tips and tricks for writing articles and how to make our articles/research (especially from research reports or final projects that have been done) penetrate in international reputable journals.

Many questions were asked by participants during the discussion, but the most important thing was the closing statements from the two resource persons, firstly we should be confident (Confidence) with our work to submit it to highly reputable journals, secondly raise our research standards by reading or looking for high quality reference sources, after that just do the process.(yag)

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