ITS library

May 30, 2022 15:05

Comparative Study Visit (Kalimantan Institute of Technology)

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

 To improve the development of service quality and as an effort to accelerate innovation, the UPT Library of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) Balikpapan came to visit the ITS Library on May 30, 2022, for a comparative study. The participants of this comparative study were 2 people consisting of the Head of the ITK Library accompanied by 1 librarian named Pak Didik. They arrived at the library at 08.45 WIB and were greeted by the Head of the ITS Library, Edy Suprayitno, accompanied by his staff, namely the head of the TU sub-section and senior supervisors and staff in the library service and digital development and processing services.

Guests are welcomed in the Biblioteka room on the 2nd floor which is a meeting/meeting room belonging to the ITS library. The event started with remarks from Mr. Edy Suprayitno by introducing all his staff who accompanied the guests. Then continued by the Head of UPT ITK Library Mr. Syamsul Mujahidin, S.Kom, M.Eng. He conveyed the purpose and purpose of their arrival for this comparative study, namely Wanting to know what services are available at the ITS Library, and whether they have been integrated with the reading rooms in the faculty. Besides that, I want to know how the form of cooperation in terms of procurement of books/e-books, procurement of journals/e-journals, and sources of funds obtained from anywhere. “Essentially we want to get the latest information about the library which later if possible we will apply in our library”, said Mr. Didik added. They also want to know about the regulations for closed-access and open-access Final Projects.

Mr. Edy conveyed several important things related to ITS library services and their supporting facilities that might be used as input for ITK. SPITS and Repository are also input materials because ITK is currently developing the digitization of library collections. ITK has also subscribed to SCOPUS which has been widely used by Siva ITK there, especially by lecturers.

In this discussion many questions were asked by Pak Syamsul and Pak Didik and all of them were answered clearly by Pak Edy’s staff who were directly related to their respective duties. Then after taking a group photo and giving each other souvenirs, to further clarify and explore the results of the comparative study, the last event was continued with a library tour of all parts and services in the ITS library to see and practice directly what was conveyed during the discussion earlier. (yag)

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