ITS library

October 25, 2024 08:10

SORE at ITS Library

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

Sobat Riset Service (SORE) is here as the latest innovation of ITS Library. Starting from the observation of Mr. Iwan Juniarto, SE. (Multimedia Librarian) who is also a member of the Legends 5S+S 2024 team, saw the need for students for research guidance in the Ikoma Corner area which requires a comfortable and conducive space.

Thanks to the 5S+S 2024 activity program organized by ITS, the Legends Team consisting of (Hendra Al Badri, Iwan Juniarto, Eva Mursidah, Anis Wulandari, Sugiyono, Marsudiana, Nurhidajati and Gunawan) succeeded in creating a representative space to assist the academic community in their research. SORE is currently served by one of the Ikoma Corner Librarians, Mrs. Eva Mursidah, S.I.Pust in collaboration with the Information Literacy Librarian, Mrs. Astutik Nur Qomariyah, S,Sos, M.Hum. SORE offers various excellent services, ranging from consultation on access to trusted information sources to assistance by librarians in effective information searches.

Interestingly, SORE also presents learning on how to optimize library resources and support the use of AI Tools to improve research quality. Some testimonials from SORE service users:

“Very helpful with SORE. The librarians are very helpful in helping me find references for my dissertation.” – Indri Sudanawati Rozas, S.Kom, M.Kom, Doctoral Student of ITS Information Systems Department.
“Initially I was confused about how to find the right journal, but thanks to SORE guidance it became easier. The place is also comfortable for discussion.” Yasnaul Khakima, S.I.Kom, Staff of ITS Integrated Service Unit
“SORE helped me understand how to use AI tools to enrich literature reviews. Highly recommended!” Febrian, Master of Civil Engineering Student

The presence of SORE can support the research activities of the academic community and promote high-quality publications.
Interested in SORE??? Visit the Ikoma Corner Room on the 4th Floor of the ITS Library or contact our librarian at the ask lib information service: 081132000808 or 081132000809. (onemore)


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