Surabaya, December 6, 2024 – The Library of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continued its regular “Friday Morning Study” activity, which is held every Friday in the first week of each month. This activity has become one of the library’s flagship programs to enhance spirituality and religious understanding among librarians and staff.
With the concept of recharging faith, this study aims to provide positive energy and strengthen the faith of ITS librarians and library staff at the beginning of each month. This session was guided by Ustadz H. Fathurrahman Masrukan, Lc., M., who discussed in-depth topics related to prayer movements, particularly during the prostration (sujud) session.
Over the past few months, the ITS Library’s Friday Morning Study has consistently explored various important aspects of prayer. In this session, the theme “Prostration and Its Virtues” became the main discussion. Ustadz Fathurrahman provided detailed explanations about the impact of prostration on spiritual and health aspects, as well as how to perform the prostration movement correctly according to the guidance of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Through this study, participants gained new and deeper insights into the importance of prostration as one of the pillars of prayer. This understanding is expected to improve the quality of worship among librarians and staff, while also correcting prayer movements that may not have been performed properly before.
During the question-and-answer session, one of ITS’s expert librarians, Mr. Marsudiyana, raised a question regarding the ruling on prostration of recitation (sujud tilawah). He asked whether sujud tilawah could be replaced with regular dhikr, as some people often do. In response, Ustadz Fathurrahman explained that to date, no explicit evidence has been found permitting the replacement of sujud tilawah with dhikr. Therefore, he suggested that sujud tilawah should still be performed according to the sunnah, as a form of obedience to Allah SWT.
This Friday Morning Study has become a tangible manifestation of ITS Library’s efforts to create a work environment that is not only productive but also religious. May this activity continue and inspire other institutions in building a balance between professionalism and spirituality. (OneMore)
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Surabaya, December 6, 2024 – The Library of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continued its regular “Friday Morning Study”