

E-Resources Class

Wed, 19 Jan 2022
1:48 pm
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Hello ITS Students!

Have a question regarding ITS Library services? There are difficulties in accessing and searching the scientific literature for lectures or research? Or maybe writing a final project? The ITS library presents information literacy online E-Resources Class. This activity aims to introduce and find out, how to access, and utilize ITS Library E-Resources (Repository, E-Book, E-Journal & OPAC) and other open access resources as a source of scientific references.

🗓️ Tuesday, January 25, 2022
⏰ 10.00-12.00 WIB
This event is free, especially for ITS students.

Register at
The number of participants in this activity will be limited.
If the quota is met, the registration will be closed.
Further information (WA):


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