

STRATEGIES FOR SCHOLARLY IMPACT : Publication Giudance and Peer Review with Emerald

Mon, 27 May 2024
7:48 am
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The ITS Library held online training ”STRATEGIES FOR SCHOLARLY IMPACT: Publication Guidance and Peer Review with Emerald” to support learning and research activities for the ITS Academic Community.

Come on, attend!!! This event is free specifically for the ITS Academic Community.

📆 Monday, May 27, 2024
⏰Pukul 10.00-12.00 WIB

Link Zoom : http//

Edy Suprayitno, S.S., M.Hum. (Head of ITS Library)

Irwan Sukardi (Businnes Manager Emerald Publishing)
The link is active when the event takes place

More information:
Contacts: +6281132000808 (WhatsApp)

Website :
Instagram : @its.library
FB : perpustakaanITS

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