
July 16, 2024 09:07

Conquering Nervousness, ITS Librarians Sharpen Public Speaking Skills at Conversa Language Academy

Oleh : itsperpustakaan | | Source : -

Surabaya, 15 July 2024 – In the era of globalization, communication skills, especially public speaking in English, are becoming increasingly crucial. Realizing this, the librarians of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Library also sharpened their skills through Public Speaking training organized by the Conversa Language Academy and located in the Bibliotek room of the ITS Library, Floor 2. This training included 8 meetings with a fresh and interactive format, raising the enthusiasm of the participants, most of whom were no longer young.

The focus of this training is not only on mastering the material but also on building self-confidence in speaking English. Conversa Language Academy designs training sessions with fun and engaging methods, to eliminate awkwardness and increase participant enthusiasm.

“The training method is very interesting and far from being rigid (familiar). We are invited to actively discuss and practice directly, so the learning process feels more enjoyable,” said one of the participants.

Not only theory, this training also involves innovative outdoor learning activities. These activities are designed to provide practical, real-life experiences in different situations. Librarians are invited to hone their public speaking skills in the Radio Merdeka FM studio and the ITS Library environment. At the end of the session, Mr. Taufik Rachmanu, one of the senior librarians, expressed his appreciation, “This training is very useful for increasing our confidence in speaking English, especially when dealing with foreign students or guests.”

In line with Mr. Taufik, Mrs. Eva Mursidah also added, “The learning-by-doing method applied by Conversa Language Academy is very effective and motivates us to continue learning and developing ourselves.”

Through this training, it is hoped that ITS Library librarians will become more proficient and confident in communicating, especially in English. ITS librarians must have the courage to speak English with foreign guests or students. This is in line with the vision of the ITS Library to become a superior information and reference center with international standards. (onemore)

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