ITS library


ITS library was inaugurated in 1960 at the same time by launching ITS to state universities. At that time the employee growth became 5 person (3 woman, and 2 man). At 1966, Library moved to JL. Baliwerti 119-121 Surabaya, and Occupying space of 220 m2 with the number of employees to 8 people consisting of 4 women and men 4. In 1967, the library received an additional new employee who graduated from the Library Academy so that the staff became 9 people. In 1975 the ITS Library moved to Cokroaminoto 12A Surabaya street, and occupied a space of 300 m2


In 1982 the ITS Library moved to the Sukolilo ITS campus and occupied 1707 m2. In March of precisely 1995, the ITS Library occupied a building with an area of ​​7,500 m2 consisting of 5 floors.


The Head of Library since ITS establishment until now is

Tahun 1960-1962 : …….
Tahun 1962 – 1964 : Bapak Poerwono
Tahun 1964 – 1965 : Dra. Siti Aisyah Prayogo, MA
Tahun 1965 : Drs. Parlinah Moedjono, MA
Tahun 1965 – 1966 : Drs. Sugimin Wahyu Winoto
Tahun 1966 – 1973 : Dra. Parwati Soemarto D
Tahun 1973 – 1974 : I Ketut Sandhi, MSc.
Tahun 1974 – 1979 : Dra. Subaidah
Tahun 1979 – 1995 : Dra. Narkanti Wijadi
Tahun 1995 – 2007 : Drs. Achmad, MA
Tahun 2007 – 2016 : Drs. Mansur Sutedjo, SIP
Tahun 2016 – sekarang : Edy Suprayitno, SS, M.Hum

With the enactment of P.P. No.5 of 1980 which was later developed with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0144/0/1983, ITS Library became a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT). In line with the increasing activity of ITS, the ITS Library UPT continues to grow the number of facilities and infrastructure, building area and number of collections, and the organizational structure is getting better.

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