

Book Review “TANAH MERAH”

Fri, 15 Sep 2023
3:35 pm
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The ITS Library in collaboration with the JMMI ITS Alumni Association held a Book Review activity“TANAH MERAH: Digul Bumi Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Indonesia”.

Speaker (Book Reviewer):
1. Agus Maksum (the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Council/DDII, East Java)
2. Prof. Dr. H. Aminuddin Kasdi, M.S. (Historian)

📆 Wednesday, 27 September 2023
⏰15.00-17.00 WIB
đź“Ť- CCWS 1st Floor ITS Library (offline)
Zoom Meeting Media (online)

Don’t miss this rare opportunity, come and connect ‼️
This event is free to the public. Register immediately because quota is limited!!!

Registration link:

More information: +6281132000808 (WhatsApp)

Website :
Instagram : @its.library
FB : perpustakaanITS

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