

E-Bebas Pustaka Socialization February 2024

Tue, 06 Feb 2024
3:43 pm
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Hello Prospective ITS Graduates…

There are several provisions made to manage the Free Library. Starting from self-uploading of softcopies of TA/thesis/dissertation via the ITS Repository, submission of hardcopies, replacement of lost books to receipt of library exemption certificates. Wow, what’s the procedure like? How long is the waiting period for the service?

Don’t worry, the ITS Library in collaboration with ITS Press will answer these questions through the E-Bebas Pustaka Socialization which will be held on:

1. Marsudiyana (ITS Librarian-Library Services)
2. Rizki Juita Pradayana (ITS Press)
3. Eko Budi Rahardjo (ITS Librarian-ITS Digital Library Development Division)

🗓️ Wednesday, 07 February 2024
⏰13.00 – 14.30 WIB
🖥️ Via Zoom Meeting

More Information:
Contacts: +6281132000808 (WhatsApp)

This event is open to final year ITS students who will apply for judicial registration (prospective graduates). Save the date, okay?
Don’t miss it!🤩🤩🤩
Please register at


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