

Hybrid Bedah Buku ” Machine Learning Deep Learning

Tue, 25 Jun 2024
2:21 pm
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ITS Library held a Book Review activity “Machine Learning Deep Learning” (Main author: Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno, M. Sc., Ph.D.)

This event is free to the public
📆 Thursday, June 27, 2024
09.30-12.00 WIB
Zoom Meeting Media (Online)
ITS Library 2nd Floor Seminar Room (Offline), limited to 50 participants. Offline participant registration will close when the participant quota has been met.

Speaker (Book Reviewer):
1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, M. Ag. (Professor of Learning Technology and Head of the UINSA Library)
2. Dr. Shoffi Izza Sabilla, S.Kom. (Lecturer at ITS Medical Technology Department)

Indri Sudanawati Rozas, M. Kom. (ITS PhD student)

Please register at

More Information:
Contacts: +6281132000808 (WhatsApp)

Website :
Instagram : @its.library
FB : perpustakaanITS

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