The pandemic is not a barrier to conducting research for the advancement and development of science and technology. After doing research, of course it will be more useful if the results of the research can be accessed and read by all people in the world, of course IEEE as one of the largest providers of research journal providers in the world. How to maximize research so that it can be entered and published by the IEEE?
The answer can be found in activities organized by the ITS Library in collaboration with IEEE with the theme “Optimize IEEExplore in Pandemic to Develop Your Research and Publication”
MC :
Yeni Gonti
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Librarian
Speakers :
Alex Liu Yupeng
Manager, IEEE Client Services, Asia
Mochamad Hariadi, ST., M.Sc., PhD
Lektor Kepala Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Moderator :
Dwi Purnomo Hendradhata
Tim Penilai Angka Kredit PLP Pusat Kemendikbud
Register :
ITS Library in collaboration with Scopus organized a Scopus Database Trial Workshop. This event is special for the entire
📚 Hi Library Friend! Let’s improve your digital literacy skills with us! 🎯 ONLINE WORKSHOP: “Exploring E-Resources Of Taylor
Hi CIVA ITS! ITS Library is holding another highly beneficial workshop! 📚 Statista Database Workshop with Stephani Susilo who