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Zero Library Loan Services During COVID 19 Pandemic

June 14, 2021 13:06:30
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June 14, 2021 13:06:30

1. Offers on ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship The ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship is a scholarship program initiated by the Maybank Foundation as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aimed at students from

June 14, 2021 13:06:30

Hello ITS Students Elsevier invites you to take advantage of the Knovel trial at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya for Free From 22 March to 21 May

June 14, 2021 13:06:30

In the framework of the accreditation plan that will be carried out by the UPT Library of the State University of Surabaya (Unesa), then on March 21, 2022, a

June 14, 2021 13:06:30

Amazing and Proud! The ITS Surabaya Library has made another achievement by obtaining an A accreditation in the Re-Accreditation organized by the National Library of Indonesia. Previously, the ITS

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