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Zero Library Loan Services During COVID 19 Pandemic

September 03, 2021 06:09:37
Latest News
September 03, 2021 06:09:37

The ITS Library in collaboration with the IEEE Asia branch has held a webinar on “Optimize IEEE Explore in Pandemic to Develop your Research and Publication”. IEEE is one

September 03, 2021 06:09:37

It was notified that there would be a total blackout of the ITS data center on Saturday, August 21, 2021, starting at 07.00 to 16.00 due to the implementation

September 03, 2021 06:09:37

ITS Library Wishes the Republic of Indonesia a Happy 76th Birthday. Let’s Keep Spreading the Spirit of Independence in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Freedom!!!

September 03, 2021 06:09:37

The aim of the competition is to encourage and promote the development of high-quality teaching case material relevant to the realities of dynamic and emerging economies, placing particular focus

September 03, 2021 06:09:37

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