ITS library


E-Bebas Pustaka

Bebas Pustaka is a letter explaining that students do not have collection loans and fines in the ITS library. Every ITS student who has completed studies is required to take care of Bebas Pustaka Perpustakaan Pusat. Bebas Pustaka Perpustakaan Pusat as a requirement for graduation and taking a diploma (not a judicial requirement). Bebas Pustaka Guide Click Here

How to get Bebas Pustaka online?
Follow these steps:

  1. Compilation of the Final Assignment According to the Preparation Guidelines For Students of Undergraduate & Applied Undergraduate Programs and For Masters Students
  2. Students must register online at to get a repository account and will be activated 20 minutes (working hours) please login without having to wait for notification from the administrator
  3. Students self-upload their files  (Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation) at A self-upload guide is available at
  4. If a student ALREADY submits a hardcopy (Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation) and does NOT have collection loan and fines in the ITS Library, then Bebas Pustaka will be sent directly to the E-mail or Whatsapp phone number that has been registered.

Hardcopy can be sent to one of the following addresses:

  1. Through MyITSprinting, for guidance, you can click here
  2. Service Hours for submission of hardcopy (Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis, or Dissertation) Monday – Friday 09.00-14.00 WIB at ITS LIBRARY (Digital Library Development Division/PPD)
  3. Hardcopy submission can also be via post or other shipping services by addressing: PERPUSTAKAAN ITS (Divisi Pengembangan Perpustakaan Digital/PPD), Kampus ITS, Kecamatan Sukolilo, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60111

For further information, please contact
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