ITS library

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Zero Library Loan Services During COVID 19 Pandemic

March 27, 2020 10:03:26
Latest News
March 27, 2020 10:03:26

To support students who are studying remotely, we’re making all Elsevier textbooks freely available online for the next three months: #TextbookAccess # COVID19

March 27, 2020 10:03:26

As per the ITS Rector’s Decree, We apologize that all physical library service activities and visits are inactivated until the end of the semester. This decision was taken bearing

March 27, 2020 10:03:26

In the context of developing the e-Journal and library fields in the Semarang Polytechnic (PIP) environment, on February 12, 2020, a comparative study was conducted at the ITS Library.

March 27, 2020 10:03:26

The ITS Postgraduate Student Association (HMP-ITS) through the ITS Library in collaboration with one of the world’s largest journal publishers in the world-based Emerald Publishing, held a workshop and

March 27, 2020 10:03:26

Reported by about the librarian profession, it states that until now the title of the librarian is still experiencing a rift of meaning and is still underestimated compared

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