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Covert, M. W.Fundamentals Of Systems Biology: From Synthetic Circuits To Whole-Cell Models9781315222615
Blom, A., David W., Michael W.Apley & Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma9781315118192
Kansal, V., Ranjan, R., Sinha, S., Tiwari, R., Wickramasinghe, N.Healthcare and Knowledge Management for Society 5.0: Trends, Issues, and Innovations9781003168638
Barghella, V.Maternal Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines9781003099062
A city reframed: Managing Warsaw in the 1990's9781315080048
Rawlinson, J. G.Creative thinking and brainstorming9781315259000
Kurtz, S., Silverman, J., Draper,J.Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine9781315378398
Architecture design notebook: 2nd edition9780080490489
Architectural theories of the environment: Posthuman territory9780203084274
Architecture beyond criticism: Expert judgment and performance evaluation9781315740652
Sustainable architectural design: An overview9781315758473
Architectural heritage revisited: A holistic engagement of its tangible and intangible constituents9781315567617
SUSTAINING PROSPERITY, NATURE AND WELLBEING: What do the Indicators Tell Us?9781351140607
Simone BrottArchitecture for a Free Subjectivity9781315262208
Silverman, Jonathan;Kurtz, Suzanne;Draper, JulietTeaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine9781315378398
David CollettModelling Binary Data9780429129087
Arvind Kumar Bansal; Javed Iqbal Khan; S. Kaisar AlamIntroduction to Computational Health Informatics9781003003564
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Barel, A.O., Maibach, H.I., and Paye, M.Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology9781003032694
Saukko, P., Knight, BKnight's forensic pathology9780429102356
Birkfellner, W.Applied Medical Image Processing : A Basic Course Second Edition9780429194108
James, J.P., Jones, R.M.Simpson’s Forensic Medicine9781315157054
Sustainable design for the built environment9781315159300
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