ITS library



Organizational Structure

Head Of Library

Kepala Perpustakaan ITS 2024

Name : Agus Santoso, S .Sos., M.Med.Kom
Position: Head Of Library

  1. Provide a center for education, information, research, recreation, publication, deposit and interpretation of various multidisciplines;
  2. Plan the needs and provision of library materials in various media formats for various multidisciplines;
  3. Managing Library Materials to Support Academic Needs for Various Multidisciplinary Sciences;
  4. Developing library information systems including library collection databases, member databases, and websites;
  5. Organizing inter-library cooperation;
  6. Organizing Excellent Services in Utilizing Library Materials;
  7. Developing a knowledge transfer program using library materials;
  8. Providing library facilities that are library-oriented;
  9. Carry out Library Administration Affairs;
  10. Managing the Reading Room in Its Environment;
  11. Managing Final Project/Thesis/Dissertation of Its Students as Library Materials;
  12. Monitoring Library Facilities and Materials;
  13. Developing an Integrated Search System for E-Books, E-Journals, E-Articles;
  14. Developing Cooperation with National and International Library Communities; And
  15. Evaluating and Reporting on the Implementation of the Library Work Program and Implementing Follow-up Improvements.


Name : Yusuf Hendra Dwi Kusuma, S.T., M.M.
Position : Head of Administration

  1. organizing administrative and administrative services for the library;
  2. organizing the development of library services;
  3. coordinating with other institutions for the procurement of library materials;
  4. carry out coordination and evaluation of employees within the scope of the work unit;
  5. carrying out financial administration support services;
  6. carrying out administrative support services for facilities and infrastructure;
  7. carrying out personnel administration support services;
  8. carrying out office administration support services; and
  9. carrying out operational support services related to programs, activities, business process services within the scope of the work unit.
Ansi Aflacha Putri

Name : Ansi Aflacha, A.Md
Position : Library Administrator

  1. Filing hardcopy and softcopy documents of reports, and policy documents within the scope of the Work Unit.
  2. Filing the results of work unit meetings and work unit decision-making activities
  3. Draft and submit official letters within the scope of the Work Unit
  4. Serving the making of cover letters from the Work Unit for the purposes of activities to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education
  5. Preparing Decision Letters (SK) and Assignment Letters (SP) for activities within the scope of the Work Unit
  6. Operate e-office within the scope of the Work Unit
  7. Entering employees listed in the Decree (SK) activities into the Personnel SIM (SK Online)
  8. Submitting office stationery needs
  9. Digitizing documents / letters in the work unit
  10. Assisting the preparation of SPJ documents in the work unit
  11. Prepare consumption for activities in the work unit
  12. Carry out routine coordination with superiors
  13. Schedule and prepare meeting/conference rooms for work unit activities
  14. Participate in coordination meetings in the work unit
  15. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside of their main duties and functions.

Name : Mujiana
Position : State Property Administrator


  1. Create a letter proposing a work unit request to propose supplies and inventory items
  2. Receive BMN by procedure
  3. Receive ownership of bmn by procedure
  4. Documenting bmn in the master book
  5. Perform services for borrowing state property
  6. Maintaining state property according to procedures
  7. Keeping archives and documents of state property
  8. Perform routine recording of the status of assets / BMN located in the work unit
  9. Reporting the status of assets / BMN periodically through the Bureau of Finance (Asset Inventory Subdivision)
  10. Submitting the deletion of assets / BMN through the Bureau of Finance (Asset Inventory Subdivision)
  11. Participate in routine coordination meetings in the work unit
  12. Become an agent of the Library Lost & Found program
  13. Become a Library K3 PIC
  14. Administering the Librarian Credit Score Assessment Team
  15. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions
Anissa Bellafitria, S.Ak

Name : Anissa Bellafitria, S.Ak
Position : Financial Organizer

  1. Receive and Examine Accountability Letter (SPJ) documents in accordance with procedures to determine completeness
  2. Checking the completeness of the Accountability Letter (SPJ)
  3. Classify accountability letters according to their type
  4. Documenting accountability letter in an orderly manner
  5. Receiving document receipts and filing them
  6. Collecting source documents of Accountability Letter (SPJ) and filing them
  7. Submitting reports
  8. Store treasury documents properly
  9. Maintaining treasury documents
  10. Reporting the implementation of duties to the leadership
  11. Participate in routine coordination meetings in the work unit
  12. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other coworkers
Tondo Indra Nyata

Name : Tondo Indra Nyata
Position : Information Technology Installation Manager

  1. Perform installation and maintenance of network devices in the work unit area
  2. Checking and maintaining computers in the work unit area
  3. Propose renewal/procurement of ICT devices at the work unit level
  4. Inventory and report IT goods and devices
  5. Make SPITS, Repository, and web statistics reports
  6. Performing backup of SIM Library data
  7. Prepare scientific work files for the ITS academic community to be uploaded in the repository
  8. Publishing the scientific work of the ITS community to the repository system, including uploading files and filling in repository metadata
  9. Documenting network admin activities
  10. Develop and maintain work unit websites according to work unit needs
  11. Updating work unit website content
  12. Coordinating with DPTSI regarding escalation of complaints and ICT service constraints
  13. Participate in routine coordination meetings
  14. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions
Ahmad Hafid

Name : Ahmad Hafid
Position : Concierge

  1. Open and close rooms in the work unit
  2. Carry out cleaning activities of all rooms in the work unit environment (@ 3500 M2, @ 2 floors)
  3. Carry out cleaning of the 1st floor toilet, 2nd floor, and leadership room according to the check list
  4. Perform cleaning of all rooms in the work unit (1st and 2nd floor)
  5. Submit the need for materials and tools for cleaning activities
  6. Carry out maintenance of trees and plants
  7. Assist in the maintenance or repair of facilities and infrastructure in the work unit
  8. Submitting material and tool needs for tree and plant maintenance
  9. Submitting kitchen and drinking water needs
  10. Checking the condition of work facilities so that they are in a safe and secure condition
  11. Participate in coordination meetings
  12. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions.

Name : Sukur
Position : Concierge

  1. Open and close rooms in the work unit
  2. Carry out cleaning activities of all rooms in the work unit environment (@ 3500 M3, @ 2 floors) 3rd floor and 4th floor
  3. Carry out cleaning of toilets on the 3rd floor and 4th floor according to the check list
  4. Perform cleaning of all rooms in the work unit (3rd and 4th floor)
  5. Submit the need for materials and tools for cleaning activities
  6. Carry out maintenance of trees and plants
  7. Assist in the maintenance or repair of facilities and infrastructure in the work unit
  8. Submitting material and tool needs for tree and plant maintenance
  9. Submitting kitchen and drinking water needs
  10. Checking the condition of work facilities so that they are in a safe and secure condition
  11. Participate in coordination meetings
  12. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions.
Fahrul Rizal

Name : Fahrul Rizal
Posistion : Facilities and Infrastructure Maintenance Technician (Center)

  1. Submit a procurement plan for facilities and infrastructure maintenance in the work unit
  2. Prepare goods/services procurement documents for facilities and infrastructure maintenance in the work unit
  3. Supervising the maintenance/development process by 3rd parties
  4. Conducting inspection of goods/services from the procurement process of facilities and infrastructure maintenance
  5. Checking and maintaining projectors in the work unit area
  6. Prepare facilities and infrastructure of the courtroom/auditorium/hall for work unit activities
  7. Carry out periodic checks of classroom and office facilities and infrastructure
  8. Apply for the procurement of spare components for classroom and office facilities
  9. Repairing or replacing damaged classroom and office facilities
  10. Apply for repair or maintenance of classroom and office infrastructure that is damaged
  11. Assist in repairing and reporting electricity and water disruptions to relevant agencies (central sarpras)
  12. Reporting regularly on the status and condition of facilities and infrastructure
  13. Recapitulate room usage utilities in the work unit
  14. Documenting and repairing classroom and office facilities that have the potential to cause danger (fire, fall, contamination, and electric shock)
  15. Checking and proposing the procurement of K3 devices in the work unit environment (Evacuation Instructions, APAR, Hydrant, and Emergency Doors)
  16. Transporting leadership guests using ITS official vehicles
  17. Prepare official vehicles
  18. Participate in routine coordination meetings in the work unit
  19. Carry out superior orders to help with tasks outside the main task or help colleagues.

Data Processing and Digital Development

Davi Wahyuni, S.Sos

Name : Davi Wahyuni, S.Sos
Position : Pustakawan Muda

Additional Tasks : Senior Supervisor of Digital Development

  1. Weeding the library collection
  2. Assessing the physical condition and information of library collections
  3. Performing physical preservation of audio-visual library collections
  4. Perform descriptive cataloging of complex and subject library materials
  5. Organizing secondary literature
  6. Managing data in the librarianship database (backing up electronic collections, activating repository accounts)
  7. Conducting counseling on library utilization
  8. Providing library orientation services
  9. Providing services to users with certain characteristics
  10. Conducting cross-library services (inter library loan)
  11. Providing research consultation services to pre researcher category library users for high school students or equivalent.
  12. Developing selected information packages
  13. Managing website content and librarianship social media
  14. Conducting publicity through print and/or electronic media
  15. Preparing exhibition content in the library sector
  16. Conducting level I information literacy program
Edy Suprayitno

Name : Edy Suprayitno, S.S., M.Hum
Position : Pustakawan Madya

  1. Evaluating library collections
  2. Authenticating manuscripts (ancient manuscripts) of library materials
  3. Giving consideration to licenses and usage rights for digital collections in library collection development
  4. Performing quality control of preservation results
  5. Performing quality control of cataloging library materials
  6. Make subject control headings
  7. Creating a library pathfinder
  8. Conducting multidisciplinary librarianship studies
  9. Providing conceptual librarianship consultation
  10. Assessing the suitability of the application of standards in the library sector
  11. To draft standards in the field of library
  12. Conducting library technical guidance
  13. Advocating library policies within the institution
  14. Developing a library organization plan
  15. Evaluating the implementation of the library
  16. Managing services to library users
  17. Providing research consultation services to mid-level researcher group users for undergraduate students
  18. Evaluating satisfaction with library services
  19. Performing bibliographic instruction
  20. Making reviews of published library materials
  21. Designing exhibition designs in the library field
  22. Conducting level III information literacy program
Eko Budi Rahardjo, S.Sos

Name : Eko Budi Rahardjo, S.Sos
Position : Pustakawan Madya

  1. Evaluating library collections
  2. Authenticating manuscripts (ancient manuscripts) of library materials
  3. Giving consideration to licenses and usage rights for digital collections in library collection development
  4. Performing quality control of preservation results
  5. Performing quality control of cataloging library materials
  6. Make subject control headings
  7. Creating a library pathfinder
  8. Conducting multidisciplinary librarianship studies
  9. Providing conceptual librarianship consultation
  10. Assessing the suitability of the application of standards in the library sector
  11. To draft standards in the field of library
  12. Conducting library technical guidance
  13. Advocating library policies within the institution
  14. Developing a library organization plan
  15. Evaluating the implementation of the library
  16. Managing services to library users
  17. Providing research consultation services to mid-level researcher group users for undergraduate students
  18. Evaluating satisfaction with library services
  19. Performing bibliographic instruction
  20. Making reviews of published library materials
  21. Designing exhibition designs in the library field
  22. Conducting level III information literacy program
Agus Setiawan, S.E.

Name : Agus Setiawan, S.E.
Position : Pustakawan Madya

  1. Evaluating library collections
  2. Authenticating manuscripts (ancient manuscripts) of library materials
  3. Giving consideration to licenses and usage rights for digital collections in library collection development
  4. Performing quality control of preservation results
  5. Performing quality control of cataloging library materials
  6. Make subject control headings
  7. Creating a library pathfinder
  8. Conducting multidisciplinary librarianship studies
  9. Providing conceptual librarianship consultation
  10. Assessing the suitability of the application of standards in the library sector
  11. To draft standards in the field of library
  12. Conducting library technical guidance
  13. Advocating library policies within the institution
  14. Developing a library organization plan
  15. Evaluating the implementation of the library
  16. Managing services to library users
  17. Providing research consultation services to mid-level researcher group users for undergraduate students
  18. Evaluating satisfaction with library services
  19. Performing bibliographic instruction
  20. Making reviews of published library materials
  21. Designing exhibition designs in the library field
  22. Conducting level III information literacy program
Anis Wulandari, A.Md.

Name : Anis Wulandari,
Position: Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Collecting library materials according to the selection results
  2. Organizing library collections (shelving)
  3. Removing library collections from the ranks of collections (discarding)
  4. Binding library collections
  5. Identifying damage to library collections
  6. Performing simple descriptive and subject cataloging
  7. Performing quick reference
  8. Performing loan and return services for library collections (circulation)
  9. Preparing library exhibition materials
  10. Entering librarianship data
  11. Annotating library collections
Totok Setiawan, A.Md.

Name : Totok Setiawan, A.Md
Position : Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Collecting library materials according to the selection results
  2. Organizing library collections (shelving)
  3. Removing library collections from the ranks of collections (discarding)
  4. Binding library collections
  5. Identifying damage to library collections
  6. Performing simple descriptive and subject cataloging
  7. Performing quick reference
  8. Performing loan and return services for library collections (circulation)
  9. Preparing library exhibition materials
  10. Entering librarianship data
  11. Annotating library collections
Eko Sulistiono

Name : Eko Sulistiono
Position : Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Collecting library materials according to the selection results
  2. Organizing library collections (shelving)
  3. Removing library collections from the ranks of collections (discarding)
  4. Binding library collections
  5. Identifying damage to library collections
  6. Performing simple descriptive and subject cataloging
  7. Performing quick reference
  8. Performing loan and return services for library collections (circulation)
  9. Preparing library exhibition materials
  10. Entering librarianship data
  11. Annotating library collections
Marsudiyana, S.Sos

Name : Marsudiana, S.Sos
Position : Pustakawan Muda

  1. Analyze the information needs of library users
  2. Perform selection of library materials
  3. Analyzing preservation needs
  4. Performing physical preservation of ancient manuscripts (manuscripts)
  5. Preserving library material information into recorded form
  6. Making name control headings
  7. Making informative abstracts of library collections
  8. Controlling the quality of librarianship data
  9. Organizing data sets in a data repository
  10. Conducting monodisciplinary librarianship studies
  11. Carrying out counseling on librarianship development
  12. Monitoring the organization of the library
  13. Providing reference services
  14. Providing manuscript and rare collection services
  15. Providing research consultation services to groups of users categorized as junior researcher for undergraduate students
  16. Mapping library users’ needs for library services
  17. Creating knowledge products in multimedia format
  18. Creating a synopsis of the library collection
  19. Conducting level II information literacy program
Dwi Kurniana Putri

Name : Dwi Kurnia P
Position : Pustakawan Penyelia

  1. Collecting library materials according to the selection results
  2. Organizing library collections (shelving)
  3. Removing library collections from the ranks of collections (discarding)
  4. Binding library collections
  5. Identifying damage to library collections
  6. Performing simple descriptive and subject cataloging
  7. Performing quick reference
  8. Performing loan and return services for library collections (circulation)
  9. Preparing library exhibition materials
  10. Entering librarianship data
  11. Annotating library collections

Name : Nurhidajati
Position : Pengadministrasi Perpustakaan

  1. Stamping TA, Thesis, Dissertation, KP Report books
  2. Including the receipt date on newly received collections for processing
  3. Receiving and inputting TA, Thesis, and Dissertation books into Google Sheets
  4. Assisting in receiving scientific work collections
  5. Assisting in final completion: a. Labeling TA, Thesis, Dissertation and KP Report books, b. Labeling printed collections, c. Providing covers
  6. Making routine reports as evidence of activities to the Head of TU Sub-Division
  7. Attending coordination meetings in work units
  8. Carrying out other official duties assigned by superiors outside of the main duties and functions

Library Services

Zamrud Mufida

Name : Zamrud Mufida, S.Sos
Position : Pustakawan Madya

Additional Tasks: Supervisor senior bidang Layanan

  1. Evaluating library collections
  2. Authenticating manuscripts (ancient manuscripts) of library materials
  3. Giving consideration to licenses and usage rights for digital collections in library collection development
  4. Performing quality control of preservation results
  5. Performing quality control of cataloging library materials
  6. Make subject control headings
  7. Creating a library pathfinder
  8. Conducting multidisciplinary librarianship studies
  9. Providing conceptual librarianship consultation
  10. Assessing the suitability of the application of standards in the library sector
  11. To draft standards in the field of library
  12. Conducting library technical guidance
  13. Advocating library policies within the institution
  14. Developing a library organization plan
  15. Evaluating the implementation of the library
  16. Managing services to library users
  17. Providing research consultation services to mid-level researcher group users for undergraduate students
  18. Evaluating satisfaction with library services
  19. Performing bibliographic instruction
  20. Making reviews of published library materials
  21. Designing exhibition designs in the library field
  22. Conducting level III information literacy program

Name : Sumarmi
Position : Pustakawan Penyelia

  1. Identify the information needs of users
  2. Control the condition of the library collection storage environment
  3. Validating descriptive and subject cataloging of library materials
  4. Organizing manuscripts of periodicals
  5. Developing library technical work plans
  6. Performing storytelling services
  7. Performing current awareness service
  8. Conducting library tour services
  9. Producing library statistics

Name : Sugiono
Position : Pengadministrasi Perpustakaan

  1. Organizing the tidiness of seats and shelves of library materials
  2. Caring for library collections that are handling (cover)
  3. Provide circulation services
  4. Helping to manage the ranks of library materials (shelving)
  5. Participate in coordination meetings in the work unit
  6. Performing cleaning activities in the 5th floor room (3500 M3)
  7. Performing cleaning activities for the 5th floor toilet
  8. Submitting needs and tools for cleaning activities
  9. Assist in the maintenance or repair of facilities and infrastructure in the work unit
  10. Assist in checking the condition of work facilities so that they are in a safe and secure condition
  11. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions.
Iwan Juniarto, S.E.

Name : Iwan Juniarto
Position : Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Prepare or collect selection tools for the procurement of library materials
  2. Make a list of proposals for the procurement of library materials
  3. Registering library materials
  4. Performing activities to prevent damage to library collections
  5. Reproducing (re-producing) library collections
  6. Performing post-cataloging activities
  7. Performing electronic bibliographic data transfer
  8. Performing mobile library services
  9. Providing simple information search services
  10. Making clippings

Name : Gunawan
Position : Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Collecting library materials according to the selection results
  2. Organizing library collections (shelving)
  3. Removing library collections from the ranks of collections (discarding)
  4. Binding library collections
  5. Identifying damage to library collections
  6. Performing simple descriptive and subject cataloging
  7. Performing quick reference
  8. Performing loan and return services for library collections (circulation)
  9. Preparing library exhibition materials
  10. Entering librarianship data
  11. Annotating library collections
Hendra Al Badri

Name : Hendra Albadri
Position : Pengadministrasi Perpustakaan

  1. Assist in receiving and checking new book collections based on distribution lists from the processing department
  2. Serving standard information
  3. Assist in sending BP forms to students who apply
  4. Activating new ITS student memberships
  5. Recapitulate statistical data on circulation and reserve collections to be submitted to SS Library Services, including: a. Visitor attendance, b. Circulation collections read, c. Reserve collections read
  6. Make routine reports as evidence of monthly activities to the Head of the Subdivision of TU
  7. Caring for the library collection is handling
  8. Identifying damage to library collections
  9. Assist in providing loan and return services for circulation collections
  10. Helping to manage and tidy up the circulation collection (shelving) ranks
  11. Help provide user guidance in utilizing the collection
  12. Participate in coordination meetings in the work unit
  13. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside the main duties and functions.
Eva Mursidah, S.I.Pust

Name : Eva Mursidah, A.Md.
Position : Pustakawan Penyelia

  1. Identify the information needs of users
  2. Control the condition of the library collection storage environment
  3. Validating descriptive and subject cataloging of library materials
  4. Organizing manuscripts of periodicals
  5. Developing library technical work plans
  6. Performing storytelling services
  7. Performing current awareness service
  8. Conducting library tour services
  9. Producing library statistics
Astutik Nur Qomariyah, S.Sos., M.Hum

Name : Astutik Nur Qomariyah, M.Hum.
Position : Pustakawan Muda

  1. Analyze the information needs of library users
  2. Perform selection of library materials
  3. Analyzing preservation needs
  4. Performing physical preservation of ancient manuscripts (manuscripts)
  5. Preserving library material information into recorded form
  6. Making name control headings
  7. Making informative abstracts of library collections
  8. Controlling the quality of librarianship data
  9. Organizing data sets in a data repository
  10. Conducting monodisciplinary librarianship studies
  11. Carrying out counseling on librarianship development
  12. Monitoring the organization of the library
  13. Providing reference services
  14. Providing manuscript and rare collection services
  15. Providing research consultation services to groups of users categorized as junior researcher for undergraduate students
  16. Mapping library users’ needs for library services
  17. Creating knowledge products in multimedia format
  18. Creating a synopsis of the library collection
  19. Conducting level II information literacy program
Dewi Saroh, A.Md

Name : Dewi Sarah, A.Md
Position : Pengadministrasi Perpustakaan

  1. Assist in recapitulating the weeding data of the Final Project collection
  2. Assisting Ask a Librarian service and recapitulating statistical data
  3. Making routine reports as evidence of activities to the Head of the Subdivision of TU
  4. Participate in coordination meetings in the work unit
  5. Carry out other official duties given by superiors outside of their main duties and functions
Yeni Anita Gonti, S.Sos

Name : Yeni Anita Gonti, S.Sos.
Position : Pustakawan Madya

  1. nalyze the information needs of library users
  2. Perform selection of library materials
  3. Analyzing preservation needs
  4. Performing physical preservation of ancient manuscripts (manuscripts)
  5. Preserving library material information into recorded form
  6. Making name control headings
  7. Making informative abstracts of library collections
  8. Controlling the quality of librarianship data
  9. Organizing data sets in a data repository
  10. Conducting monodisciplinary librarianship studies
  11. Carrying out counseling on librarianship development
  12. Monitoring the organization of the library
  13. Providing reference services
  14. Providing manuscript and rare collection services
  15. Providing research consultation services to groups of users categorized as junior researcher for undergraduate students
  16. Mapping library users’ needs for library services
  17. Creating knowledge products in multimedia format
  18. Creating a synopsis of the library collection
  19. Conducting level II information literacy program
Taufiq Rachmanu

Name : Taufiq Rachmanu
Position : Pustakawan Mahir

  1. Prepare or collect selection tools for the procurement of library materials
  2. Make a list of proposals for the procurement of library materials
  3. Registering library materials
  4. Performing activities to prevent damage to library collections
  5. Reproducing (re-producing) library collections
  6. Performing post-cataloging activities
  7. Performing electronic bibliographic data transfer
  8. Performing mobile library services
  9. Providing simple information search services
  10. Making clippings
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