ITS library


IEEE-ITS APC Program#2

ITS Library in collaboration with IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) organizes the Article Processing Charge (APC) Program for ITS academics.

The IEEE-ITS APC program is a program that subsidizes article publication costs for authors from the ITS academic community to support an increase in the number of open access (OA) publications in IEEE journals.

IEEE-ITS APC Terms and Conditions#2:

  1. ITS academicians.
  2. Listed as first author and ITS-affiliated correspondence (must use ITS email).
  3. Valid until October 10, 2025, as long as APC tokens are available.
  4. Manuscripts or publications submitted must have an ACCEPTED status in an IEEE journal (
  5. Has not received funding from other sources.


  • The program is non-competitive and submissions are accepted as long as APC tokens are available (first come, first served & one token, one paper).
  • Before the APC process is approved by the administrator, the entire verification process is conducted by IEEE.
  • The APC funding approval process by the administrator is not related to reviewers and editorial.
  • If there are additional pages, or others that do not comply with IEEE writing standards will not be accepted, or if there are excess pages, then it is not covered under the APC scheme. Authors will have to add the additional charges themselves.
  • The quota of APC tokens provided in the IEEE-ITS APC #2 program is 12.
  • APC tokens that have been used can be seen in the list of documents that received IEEE ITS APCs on the ITS Library website.

For other information, please contact the contact person:

Articles that use the IEEE-ITS#2 APC Token

NoArticle titleAuthor
1Smart Ontology-Based System for Recommending Practices in Melon CultivationUbaidillah Umar, Tri Arief Sardjono, Hendra Kusuma
2ViTMa: A Novel Hybrid Vision Transformer and Mamba for Kinship Recognition in Indonesian Facial Micro-ExpressionsIke Fibriani, Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, Ronny Mardiyanto, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo
3Emotional Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles for Leader-Following: A Velocity Obstacles Based Steering BehaviorMoch Fachri, Mochamad Hariadi, Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho
4Conflict Detection of Functional Requirements based on Clustering and Rule-based SystemSarwosri, Umi Laili Yuhana, Siti Rochimah
5Coordinated Design of Power System Stabilizer and Virtual Inertia Control Using Modified Harris Hawk Optimization for Improving Power System StabilityMohamad Almas Prakasa, Imam Robandi, Alberto Borghetti, Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal, Waseda Himawari
6Improving Crack Detection Precision of Concrete Structures Using U-Net Architecture and Novel DBCE Loss FunctionAndrew Prasetyo, I Ketut Eddy Purnama, Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, Priyo Suprobo
7Advancements and Challenges in Video-Based Deception Detection: A Systematic Literature Review of Datasets, Modalities, and MethodsYeni Dwi Rahayu, Chastine Fatichah, Anny Yuniarti, Yusti Probowati Rahayu
8Design Optimization of a 3-PUU Parallel Machine for Friction Stir Welding RobotsEka Marliana, Latifah Nurahmi, Arif Wahjudi, I. Made Londen Batan, Guowu Wei
9Assistive Technology Classification for Students With Disabilities in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature ReviewNuril Kusumawardani Soeprapto Putri, Umi Laili Yuhana, Daniel Oranova Siahaan, Wenny Rahayu, Eric Pardede

* Current APC token balance = 3

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